BNToastFrame is showing centre of screen as of today

A few folks in my raid started getting BN login/logout notifications in the centre of their screen instead of the usual spot; looks like it’s BNToastFrame that’s showing and it’s currently set to Centre (per framestack) so that makes sense, I just haven’t been able to figure out how to get it to move (permanently, at least). Any thoughts/fixes?

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one curse of action is to uncheck “show toast window” in social options

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Same here, remember to execute a /reload command after deselecting the “show toast window” option . Additionally, I turn off the Social: Online/Offline Friends setting

This is the most broken patch I’ve seen in many, many years. As in, it’s not close. It’s nearly as bad as the WOD launch patch where the game was basically down for 2 weeks.

You have to either disable toasts or use an addon. The only way I’ve found to move this is with an addon called MoveAny.

Up until today, I’d been able to do away with move anything-type addons, as they made it so you could move things with the base UI. This patch is a MAJOR step backwards, and the base UI is now unuseable without addons again.