Bnet Retrieving details as name

Is this known and being worked on? or do I have to fix something myself? It’s also showing others on my friends list as Retrieving details.

Its not something that we’ve been seeing recent reports on. If you’re getting this message, I’d recommend clearing the cache for the app:

  1. Press the Windows + R key to bring up the Run window
  2. Enter %programdata% and hit OK
  3. Delete and Blizzard,, Blizzard Entertainment folders
  4. Do the same for the following locations: %appdata%, %localappdata%, %temp%

If there’s still issues let’s get a traceroute ran to

I respectfully interject here that it is something that has been noted yet nothing has been offered in nearly a week. There were other threads before this one I’m about to link even, but it is an issue that has yet to be resolved.

I’ve had the same issue recently and found an old Blue post suggesting the same thing that’s suggested here and it fixed it for about 10 minutes. At this moment there are 6 people on my friends list, as well as myself that are showing “Retrieving Details…”

Throwing my lot in here too. For like the last week or so been having this issue. Showing friends as “retrieving details” and then even just now i logged out and into another toon and while i was logging across, on my own bnet client, it said my name was “retrieving details”.

But literally only been having it happen to me for about a week now. Seems really odd. Had a friend have it happen too.

this has just started in the past few days for me too. I only returned a little over a week ago due to wow classic, my friends list was fine for the first several days and now almost half my friends show as “Retrieving Details”. No action was taken on my end. One day it was good, after turning my computer back on the next it was not.

Sorry for the confusion all, we do actually have another thread on this. Can we consolidate discussion here and follow the instructions to bug report it at the forums please?