Bm/resto druid lf mythic raiding guild/shadowlands guild

Hello names sinhero, and I’m looking for a late night or weekend guild for shadowlands.
I main a bm hunter and I have a 474 resto druid as well. I currently have only 5/12M xp in nyalotha. Anyways I’m always trying to improve, I have mythic xp from past expansions too.

Times would work for me is 1030~11pm PST on weekdays and anytime on the weekend(sat/sunday).

Here’s my raiderio raider(dot)io/characters/us/malganis/Sarma

Also I am working on a ret paladin he’s 467 so still putting work into that.

Thanks for reading my btag is sinhero#1777

Hello, we are recruiting range dps / healer:

How Long On Brez | Horde | Mal’Ganis

We raid Friday and Saturday, 11:00pm-1:30am PST

kvncnh#1922 [ Discord preferred: kvncnh#9847 ]

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