BM Hunter LF Guild

Hello. I’m looking for a guild going into SL.

2 Nights a week, 8 to 12 EST.
4/12 M Nyalotha Experience. I stopped playing March/April.

I’m picking Hunter for SL because they do great damage, but they’re also very versatile, and this allows them to perform multiple jobs during fights. I enjoy picking up the extra jobs that are needed to help the team kill a boss.

I’m looking to push into mythic, and progress with new friends as far as possible. I like to run M + as well, and would love to find a dedicated group of people to play with.

Message me on here if you’re interested, and I’ll get back to you!!

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Hey Azzysfox!

Check out our info below, we would love to chat and talk mythic SL team!

eath Star Vent Designer is a Mythic CE guild recruiting raiders for our SL teams to push future CEs!

Guild Info:

DSVD is a new guild that formed at the end of August 2020, during BFA, to re-branded from it’s old roots. We provide a competitive atmosphere all while taking the toxic out of mythic raiding. We have high expectations and focus on competent players in their specific roles. We supply ALL consumables, you bring the fight! Our goal is to push CE in server top-5, all while building a strong community of players.

We are currently celebrating our first CE with 12/12M Nya after being a guild for under 60 days!

Raid Requirements:

We require 95%+ attendance. All raids form 15-20 minutes prior to pull to issue all consumables and get everyone ported to the raid. No-shows will be immediately benched and absences need to be posted to the officers or on discord 3-5 days in advance to allow us to make roster changes. Consumables will be directed by the officer core in SL, to which you (as a mythic raider) will be responsible to farm a specific amount of mats for raid-ready consumables.

Raid Needs/Dates
Team 1 Raid Nights: Wednesday/Thursday 8pm-11pm EST
Team 2 Raid Nights: Sunday/Monday 8pm-11pm EST

Team 1 needs
All DPS roles are open and up for competition! We will be hosting SL heroic try-outs, and look to form a 25-man team, with viable alternates. Come ready to play strong – all DPS will be considered and allowed to trial. Preference will go to players with multiple mythic ready toons, to facilitate multiple comps.

Team 2 needs
For our weekend Team 2, which will start approximately 4 weeks after the initial Mythic Team begins progression, to which we have open competitions as well. The top 5 players from Team 2 will be the immediate bench for Team 1 (rotating positions onto the main team for comp specific fights, gear, etc.). We will always evaluate both teams, with the best candidate being awarded Team 1 play. We are heavily recruiting for this team currently, all roles are available for competition!

Community Aspects:

  1. We run M+ B.Y.O.K. (bring your own keys) every Sunday to help with vault key farming in SL.
  2. Currently we run guild-group 5masks, m+ and other content during the week – we will take the same mindset into Torghast grouping.
  3. When we are not raiding, we run; old raid content for mogs, mounts, etc.!
  4. We also take the time and energy to help our mythic raiders run content to farm BiS gear, trinkets, etc.
  5. We create fun weekly guild competitions, such as most keys done, etc. for in-game prizes from the officer team! We reward the hard work and dedication of our raiders.


If you’re looking for serious mythic progression without the “toxic” attitude and an officer core who is supportive and assists all of your guild needs then give us a shout! We would love to hear from you!

Shal#11574 -GM

Shatt#11225 -AGM

Sumerian#1644 -ARL

Always looking for strong DPS players.


< Milkshake > is a newly-formed but fully-experienced 3-day progression guild on Area 52 Horde looking to build a strong roster to dive into Shadowlands. Created by individuals who ran CE + Hardmode progression guilds in the past with a Raid Leader with multi-CE experience. We are returning to pick it back up and carve out our name on the server. Get in on the ground floor of a progression guild forming right before a new expansion.

RETURNING PLAYERS AND REROLL WELCOME. We can chat about your experience.

Raid Times: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday @ 8est - 11est

We are a group of adults who have real lives outside of WoW but want to take the time we do set aside to kill pixels seriously. Offering a non-toxic or hostile environment, we do have higher expectations for individuals looking to actively participate in progression content.


  • Be raid ready. You are expected to come with all the enchants and spending the required time between raids to perfect and better your character. If you are looking to raid log, we are not the guild for you.
  • Research the fights. We will give the key points before fights but fully expect anyone on a fight roster to be already aware of the fight. We will supply the sources to research but you have to leverage them.
  • Always stay updated on your class. There are many ways to “stay in the know” for your class. Discord, websites, etc. The expectation is that you are staying up to date with changes to stay as optimal as possible.
  • Be a team player. We will have a roster over 20 and fights may dictate needing different compositions. You may sit out on progression if you do not have a class or role that can be shifted in.
  • Don’t be a jerk. We have zero tolerance for racism, sexism, or any bigoted topics. We are looking to foster a strong community that will grow and transverse games. Don’t be a jerk or we will gladly show you the door.

Still around after that? Perfect! We are looking for strong players that are looking to work as a team and push content at a swift pace.

What do we offer?

  • Progression-focused atmosphere. We are built on, by, and around pushing cutting edge content without the drama. The goal is Cutting Edge, so let’s get there having a good time.
  • We will help you prepare. We will compile the information you need to know about the encounter mechanics. We will spend the time investigating the best strategies. You just need to learn them.
  • Strong Mythic+ community. Most of the core of the guild are strong Mythic+ runners, living in the top 1-50 ranks. We have to do something between raids, right?
  • No Drama. We have a firm stance against drama. We are paying to have a good time and we plan on the guild reflecting that goal.
  • Be an integral part. You won’t be a number. The guild functions on a council and direction from the Mythic Raider team. There is full transparency, you help dictate the direction of every element of the guild.

Current Needs:

** = High Need

Tank: Closed.

Melee DPS: Medium


  • Paladin: Ret

Ranged DPS: High


  • **Mage: Any spec

  • **Warlock: Any spec

  • Balance Druid

  • Shadow Priest

Healer: Medium


  • Holy Paladin

  • Resto Shaman

  • **Disc Priest

  • Mistweaver Monk


Join our Discord: WYjW7

(remove the spaces)

Feel free to reach out:

  • Discord: Seanishly#3666

  • BattleNet: Monster#15141

Hey Azzysfox!

Déjà Vu might be a place for you.

We’re a Horde guild that plays on Thrall. We are a relatively newer/smaller guild that founded in 8.3. We’re a laid back group with a fairly active discord (some days more than others) that likes to play mythic+ when we aren’t raiding. On weekends, a few of us will do transmog runs, and level alts together.

Although we started late in the tier, we did manage to get 12/12H and 8/12M on a one day progression schedule. We hope to improve on that mark when we get to Castle Nathria.

Going into Shadowlands, we’re moving to a 2 day progression on Tuesdays and Saturdays from 8:30pm-11:30pm est.

At this moment in time, we are looking for dps to add to our raid team. If you are interested in trying out or just meeting everyone, I’ll leave my contact info below. We are still raiding regularly in prepatch.

Thanks for your time, and good luck on your search!

Bnet: Chriv#1186
Discord: chriv#5263

Good day Azzy!

[H][Thrall] Kalopsia is a small community full of experienced players with the goal of Aotc and light mythic raiding coming into Shadowlands.

Our goal is to be healthy and competitive while still having fun.
Our main focus, will of course be raiding, but we enjoy playing all aspects of the game.

Raid times going into Shadowlands are Tues/Weds 8pm-11pm server time (est)

Recruitment Priorities

A few more DPS (Ranged or Meele)

One more healer

*Tank spots are filled for raid.

Discord: Lewpha#1481Send me a request on Discord if you think we may be a good fit for you!

Hello, my guild is 12/12M mon/wed 8:30-11:30 est add me at Hellrider#11850 if your interested so we can talk more, thank you

hey ! we are highly interested in a bm hunter but first and foremost personality ! mind giving us a look ?

Hungover is a brand new guild of four days currently 80 strong looking to recruit for shadowlands! We plan to do progression raids in the expansion with a core officer base of experienced raiders. We also plan to do pvp in shadowlands and push Mythic+.

Hungover is looking for people seeking to have fun in Shadowlands without sacrificing their progression to higher level content. We have our sights on AOTC and Cutting Edge and hope to reach these goals with the help of strong united core members. We plan to have a progression team and a casual team and are recruiting for both, come join us for the start of something new and hopefully great!


Stormrage (Alliance).

Raid Schedule:

2 days a week, 3-4 hours per day.

Thursday and friday 8pm EST(server) - 11/12pm EST(server)

If you cannot make these times, we have a casual team with undecided times.

This rule applies only to those interested in raiding, and not to anyone who wishes to join as a social player or mythic+/pvper.
These raid times are nothing huge however we have no delusions of world first and hope to keep WOW as a fun experience not a job.

Bnet: NorthernHoe#1646

Discord: Frey Guy#6510

Intuition reformed on Thrall from a former US top 40 guild and we’re currently recruiting STRONG RANGED DPS and ONE RAID HEALER for Cutting Edge in Shadowlands. Our core is comprised of current and prior Cutting Edge players and leadership. We raid Tues-Thurs 8-11EST during progression and Tues-Wed during farm after CE.

We are also big Mythic + players. We push keys in the 24s-28s daily and have players up to the 6K io, range.

Players who show strong parses/exceptional performance will have the cost of their realm transfer covered by us! We based this off either raider io scores, logs or mythic progression.

We expect all our players to min/max their characters and maximize their abilities to perform their desired roles exceptionally.

We expect all our players to have near perfect attendance, have positive attitudes, come prepared before raids with consumables/runes, research the encounter we’re progression and above all, having fun slaying dragons.

We expect our players to do research on their classes and stay up to date on the changes for the players to adequately adjust and be ready for raid.

If you feel like this works for you, then Intuition may be a good fit for you!

Add me on BNET Khascade#1163 or discord Khascade#8537 and we can discuss further.

Hello, It seems like you might be a good match for our raid team. We at 7/12m. Fun but focused raid team. Ill leave our guild info below. Let me know if you have any questions.

Mythic Mischief is currently recruiting for our raid team. We are a mature group of raiders who look to have fun while also clearing content. Most of our group is 30+. Our raid times are currently 7-9:30PM Central Sunday and Monday. We are 7/12 Mythic Nyalotha and looking to progress as far as we can until shadowlands hits. We do offer lots of non raid events like mythic plus, all tank raids. raffles and leveling contest. Please contact Castlegreyskull#0327 (Discord) GM if you are interested. We look forward to hearing from you!

Our links:

Our page is

<< Demise >> US - Sargeras

Tuesday and Thursday

Demise is currently recruiting for Shadowlands! We are a top tier mythic guild on Sargeras that has been raiding together for several expansions now. Our core group of veteran players have Cutting Edge experience in previous tiers.

We are currently recruiting all classes and specs to finish rounding out our core, spots will be competitive and everyone will have a fair chance to earn their right to raid.

We are very friendly and have a super tight-knight group that loves to play the game together.

If you are interested in our guild and would like more information or to join then contact us (info listed below).

I am always around and willing to talk and answer any and all questions. Hoping to give many of you the best guild/home you’ve ever been a part of! :slight_smile:

Discord: blitz steve#3655
Bnet- Blitzsteve#1703
IGN- Galiyon

[A][US][Aerie-Peak]< Crimson Royals > are now recruiting! We’re a friendly guild of players who are looking to challenge ourselves and improve against high-level Shadowlands content, such as raids and Mythic+ dungeons. Come and join us if you would like to pit yourself against the best the game has to offer! Our raiding times are Thurs/Sat 9:00pm - 12:00am EST, and we’re open to players of all skill levels who are looking for a challenge!

We are currently looking for 1 DH dps and 5 ranged dps.

Add me on Discord: lala#0869

Still looking!!

Hey Azzysfox!
Resistance on Hyjal is recruiting for Shadowlands!
Friday/Saturday 6:30-10:30pm PST
Optionals through the week.
We are also 12/12 M
Multiple CE Guild
We have a guild application at:
If you have questions you can contact us at:
Discord: Elvera#1963

Hey Azzysfox! Big Red Button [H- Area52] is looking to fill a raid spot with a hunter. We are a reform of our 8.3 raid team that went 10/12M in Ny’alotha with CE leadership.

Raid times: 8-11pm EST Sun/Mon

If you are interested please reach out!

Contacts for more info


Application Link:

Hello Azzysfox,
We are still trying to find a tank and a few dps for our 10m core group in SL. We just recently broke off from a previous guild so we could actually do progression. We are very active in discord and are ET zone based. If you’d like more information, feel free to message me on discord or on battlenet.

Battlenet: Holyhow#1277

Hey Azzysfox,

Hunter is definitely a solid choice. It looks like you have a lot to read above, so I’ll drop a little introduction below.

We have a few unique-led raid teams. A tiny bit of background: discord community of 400+ focused on WoW with one guild on Horde-Illidan and one guild on Alliance-Sargeras. We like to welcome people that need a drama free home, mythic plus group, and/or a raid team! I’ll drop some links below so you can get to know us better behind the scenes without any pressure.

Bnet Post:

You are more than welcome to stay in our discord and chat with us without joining the guild. If you have any questions, please message me on discord. Saph#7860

Thank you and good luck in Shadowlands my friend!

Hey there, would love to add a solid hunter to our roster, here is our blurb!

Reformed of Stormrage is looking for excellent players to join us for keeping CE going through Shadowlands.

Current Progression: 12/12M

Raid days: Tue-Wed-Thurs(9-12 PM US Central, 10-1 AM US Eastern, 7-10 PM US Pacific).
Tuesdays are for clearing the re-kill Mythic /Heroic Bosses or Heroic re-clear.

Currently Recruiting (Preferences):

Ranged DPS:
Mage, Hunter, Elemental Shaman, Warlock

Melee DPS:
Enhancement Shaman, Rogue

Mistweaver Monk

We will always look at exceptional applicants in any class. If you think you would make an excellent addition to our team, don’t hesitate to make your case and get in touch with us, regardless of your experience, class, or role.

What we need from you:
-Commitment to raid attendance
-Will and effort to improve at your class/role
-A good attitude and a show of respect to all members at all times
-Drive to earn Cutting Edge on a 3-day schedule

What we offer:
-Mature atmosphere and utmost respect for all members
-Collaborative, friendly, and focused raid team
-Experienced, knowledgeable leadership
-M+ runs on off-days

Add one of us in game if you have any questions.
SefiePoou#1164, Urgfelstorm#1332, Kilashandra#1310, Vaxum#1526

Hey! You sound like a great addition to our raid team.

:question: About Us

Demolition Crew Is a guild on Area 52 [H] Looking for players that are friendly but performance and progress minded. We are going for CE come Shadowlands. We also have people that love mythic plus, and some very casual arena play. Additionally, anyone that wants to just come hang out and be social is always welcome. We have people that are really in to mount farming and chatting with the guild, and that’s always great to have. This is a video game after all, and we play it for fun, but also want to clear content, so we expect a few things from our raiders.

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Our Goals:

We are looking to clear Heroic and Mythic Nathria in a timely manner. We’re not looking to get US 50, but we also don’t want to spend six months on the tier. This is why it is extremely important that every raider do their part to contribute to the team and meet the expectations listed below.

:white_check_mark: Expectations:

  1. Be welcoming and friendly to all players in the guild. Don’t tell someone how to play their spec, don’t be toxic, just show up and play the game.

  2. Be prepared. You should watch any videos that are sent by officers. You should have proper consumables, including flasks, pots, and food. You should show up on time and be ready to raid. If you can’t make it one week, you should give notice in advance. You should also have done your weekly WoW chores before raid.

  3. Always strive for improvement. It is expected that you at least take some time going over your logs and looking for ways to improve. Before you start complaining about somebody else’s low dps, you should look for ways to improve yours. This is expected from everyone, so underperformers should already be aware of the issues and be improving each week.

:mag_right: What we’re recruiting:


Full for raid but we’d love some more m+ tanks!


  1. Mage (be ready to play all specs)

  2. Fury Warrior

  3. Death Knight (frost and unholy)

  4. Warlock (aff and destro)

  5. Exceptional applicants of any ranged spec


  1. Shaman

  2. Paladin

If your spec was not listed, you can still apply.

Raid times:

7:30-11:00 pm Est Thursday and Sunday

How to apply:

Message me on discord at SpammiBoi#4610. I will link you a guild application and we can go from there!

Thanks for your time :slight_smile:

Hello Azzysfox! you seem like you would be a great addition to Ascensions team, here is some about us, and my contacts, looking forward to chatting with you!

About us:
Ascension is a new raiding guild, and within a few months of beginning our journey, we achieved Cutting Edge in 8.3. Being a newly formed guild, we had a very late start in Ny’alotha, however, Ascension was competitive enough to make server top 10 on Kel’Thuzad. Ascension’s make-up is very diverse, from Austrialians, Americans, Brazilians, Canadians, and many more, that came together, to great the awesome social, and raiding community of Ascension.

Raiding Goals:
Going into Shadowlands, Ascension’s goals are as follows; Finish top 300 [A] U.S. guilds in tier one, and from tier two onwards, Hall of Fame. Ascension will execute these goals by having effective and competitive raid progression, high-end Mythic+ teams, and high-end ranking players. Through Ascension’s Leadership, Teamwork, and Guild Dedication, these goals will be achieved.

Casual Goals:
Ascension is made to be a “Neighborhood” environment. Although our main focus is to have a competitive and efficient raid team, we also like to have a good time when doing so, after all, it is a video game. Ascension is a community built from many different people, with many different backgrounds. We all come together, to have fun, and to compete.

Raid Times:
Wednesday - Saturday
6:30pm - 9:30pm realm time (Start: 7:30pm Central, 8:30pm Eastern, 5:30pm Pacific)

A third day may be added as needed in order to be competitive as a Hall of Fame guild

Discord Contacts:
GM - saggy#0974
Raid Officer - logi#2922