BLZ51934200 No Servers Are Currently Available

Same thing…

same message after i got dc’d from you have been disconnected from blizz services

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same here, just happened during necrolord campaign

Same thing here

Having that issue as well

Same for me

Covid or did Trump do it?


Nope, going on here in in So Cal

same here Hyjal server. I don’t think there has been one reset day since this expansion has started without issues /sigh

I guess ill join you all in the wait room…

Literally just got home and logged in to find this same issue.

Blizzard why?

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I am from the midwest and I am getting this error too.

Yes, I have this issue as well. Can’t log in at all. Wyrmrest Accord in Michigan.

same I can’t get on either

Same thing…

If I had to guess, the servers are being hard reset to try and solve the services issues with Guilds and Communities.

Annoying, and some bloody warning would have been nice.

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Same, something is broken.

Same thing here

Same - BLZ51934200

I just wanted to check my vault of disappointment…


I see people on my friends list playing. Same issue for me.

What’s going on here?