Bloodscalp Horde Reconnections

I feel like you were part of EoT as well…or maybe i just had you on my friends list :slight_smile:


Just curious if anyone has seen Byzark or Weeaboo from Heavy Hitters lately (this is Likeafoxx from Creep)

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Bussom - Ele Orc (female) Shaman

Its awesome to see some of these names from back in the day!

I was in Epoch of Thought back in the day! Was also in SMD, and Semantics later on.

Will be playing again, with Lighf the Undead Mage.


excellent :slight_smile: well if you need a home EoT is definitely welcoming old vets back in :slight_smile: my btag is lne#1326 so hit me up :slight_smile:


Hey all! Tornadofang here! Tauren Enhancement Shaman.

Guilds I was in, from best memory were:
Lordaeran has Fallen
Dont Panic
Knights of Valhalla
Face on Fire


Kahl I still have a photo too lol.
Hihello shunye!~
I plan on playing, just don’t know the exact amount yet. If anyone wants to add me feel free to, butry#1911


I use to run with Py, I was a priest at that time. Witchblade

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Guids: Face on Fire
Blood Bath and Beyond
Knight Angel
End Effect

Agany - Undead Holy Priest
Fadeout - Undead Rogue

Cmoney, Undead Warrior.

Played in Damnation and Semper Fi as well as a few other guilds from 05-07.

Had a lot of great times raiding with some of the fellow guildies below:

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XLordsoth Undead Warrior

Used to be offtank in Thralls Honorguard and I was briefly in Frostwolf Refugees and WoD. I see a lot of familiar names

Some people I used to play with…

plus Conundrum’s entire list basically

hi, butchie

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hello Conundrum, I was also in THG… This list brought back lots of memories.
Added a few others in my earlier post. cheers

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Toxsick - Orc Hunter
Guild Name is Lords of Decay
Id like to reconnect with anyone from that guild or anyone that remembered me from back then

Hey Shunye! This is Viperna :stuck_out_tongue:


Was the guild Solidarity on Bloodscalp? Can’t remember. It was either here or Bonechewer.

It sounds vaguely familiar Yochl, but I was not a heavy raider back in vanilla so I may be incorrect.

sup viperna, also WHATUP URKU!

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I was Bandols - Undead Priest and remember playing with Elise who was the priest class lead from Warriors of Death

Your Stiletto rogue name sounds really familiar. I was Bandols UD priest, I was in a few guilds but raided mostly with Warriors of Death.

Wow. Talk about a blast from the past! I was in WoD during vanilla-BC. I was a complete noob shammy who couldn’t find my way back to dungeon entrances if my life depended on it. BUT I for some reason forged friendships in that guild that I never forgot. If you were in WoD and don’t remember Elise- you weren’t in the guild lol. I still have a couple on RealID some on FB (which I got stopped using) . I am still around but after playing the classic beta, I don’t know if I want to step back through that proverbial porthole without some of those people. It was a special time and nostalgic for sure but I don’t know. Then again, if the gang were to get back together for an MC run I maaaaay have to reconsider. This time I promise to remember my ankhs, I wont take my stupid pills and find my way back to the entrance lolol.
sincerely ~ Vashii-Troll Female - shaman(then)