I remember you… I think. Gluestic Troll Mage
Shannon its Tmontana (sean the best tank in existence) are you playing classic? ragnarviking is my tag
Pasc, Troll priest.
was in from the start of Epoch of Thought.
Lne was guild leader.
Pasc Troll priest.
was in from the very start, Lne guild master.
great times
I haven’t started up yet! What’s your name just in case I do?
Yo Shannon! I was Wayland, undead rogue in Epoch, I played with you and your wife all the time until I got banned lol. Hit me up artax#11273
There’s a few ECS (guild name now) still running on Sulfuras (me, zabash, py, lakme, shidoshee, kaaji, and sieg). I need to roll a pally, who wants to carry me for gear?
DPS is on Grobbulus as an Alliance guild this time around, got some of the originals and some Bloodscalp transplants. Clearning MC and BWL weekly!
Tamerlane is to busy selling skin care products. Haha
This is Grak. You still have the blue guitar I gave you irl?
This is grak
What are the odds that I click on this “reconnect with old Horde friends” button and the first post is the classic guild we raided MC with. I remember the congrats we got from the server for killing Lucifron for the first time. I was Zelnar, UD mage vending machine pre-raid. Definitely remember Abram (Tauren Warr?), Jackbauerz the hunter, Astrari was one of the class leads? Anyone remember Pumbaa the Tauren warrior? That guy was hilarious.
Too busy popping his collar to come say hi, i guess.