Bloodscalp Horde Reconnections

Hai guise,

I was Shlamorel on Bloodscalp! I healed for Expletive, Team Sportscoat, Epoch of Thought, and Serenity. (I think these are all bloodscalp- I transferred once server pop went down). I also did a lot of pvp.

Currently on Herod. Battle tag email (if I’m allowed to post) is

Hope to reconnect with some old friends.

Baddie / Badazz here, hi all
Member of Calefe,
Old GM of Soulbound, TBC era

Kerghan - Undead Priest
Evil Clownz Sect

Hi All,
Any old school PVPers still around? Fondly remember running WSG all day long.

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Kerghan! I remember you! Say hi sometime!

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In vanilla my warrior was Grave, undead. Never was able to reserve that name again since transferring, but Bloodscalp was my home for years!

Omg Torent and Yakuza… I remeber when Allies would attack TM and Torent would show up in full Might gear along with some others from Yakuza and save my little undead warrior butt haha!

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Skeetar… did you used to play with Grak?? I know your name! just trying to remember how!

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I’m back! playing on Bigglesworth horde. Hit me up!

Echidna, troll warrior, here. Hey guys!

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oh, snap, Strasse! What’s up!? Where did you end up rolling?

Kahl! What’s up! Wangster here!

Garne!!! Where are you!

hey, whats up man! been a long time!

I doubt anyone remembers me. I played a Troll Priest, Chims. Frost Wolf Refugees represent!

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Yes sir, still do! Just in other games.

Yep! :smiley:

SMD 4 Lyfe!

Deadpool undead rogue here from Sadistic Intent . I used to run around with Exiter the warrior and Diabolus the warlock ,also we are on Kritonos server horde side running a guild my battle tag is k1ckz#1344 also used to pvp with anyone seen?
Evad (dave)

Hello. I played a troll hunter named geneween and then a belf named vinceyoung.

Guilds I was in
Symphony of light
Army of darkness

There were a couple more after that.

My brother (krox) and I are playing on deviates delight currently.

I remember all the names mentioned earlier from the order of malice guys! You guys had a raiding alliance with either symphony of light or with army of darkness (I was gm of AoD)

WOW, talk about a blast from the past! I see lots of names from back then. How is everyone? I stay in contact with Oxy at times, A few would love to know where they are these days are Hamwallet, Dr Danny. Also a few from other guilds.

Wow Wonderchickn! Been a long while, Talked to Mark today btw.

Whats up my dude…Emeril