[Bloodsail Buccaneers] Server Discord

I can’t decide between the pirate server or the mutation server

Pirates all the way!

some of the my guild wants to go on BsB, but I want RP-PVP or just PVP, im so torn :c

The major guilds on BsB all seem to be really awesome. RP PVP server seems to be quite different…

I would expect pvp to happen as the RP guilds start to get into events to take over towns and the guilds who prefer the community go and do there own things as well. That being said if you really want that Red Dead feeling it would prob not be here unless you just want to self flag the entire time.

Ill probably just self flag the entire time… I played on Feathermoon back in cata, and mop. then transferred to tichondrius. So I am used to PvP, maybe it just feels weird seeing my “enemies” in the world and not being able to attack them unless they feel like it. Probably gonna roll this server just because all my friends are.

I started on pvp up through Cata then moved to pve with some friends at the end of Panda. Overall it was a change rolling on PvE to see an orange name just kinda wander by. In the long run though, i still belive that there will be some world PvP but if your paying horde the BG queue will be near instant being underpopulated (the upside of pve server).

Friends also make it that much better overall. When they stopped playing i lost way more interest later on.

funny thing is, we all dont even RP… Some of the guild just wants to go there because generally RP realms are a lot nicer and less toxic than normal ones. (again, I play on tich, soooooo toxic is a normality)


If you don’t go Bloodsail you are a Bloodfail! (Great meme right guys? Guys?)

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Either Buccaneer or SUCKaneer… I’ll get my coat…

I dont RP either or when i rolled on them years ago i didnt. Still the people overall are nicer as you say. As long as you treat them respectfully its a great place to play.

I don’t RP often, but just being able to walk around and see people doing stuff is nice

When I do RP it is casual

Remember that Classic has the old PvP flagging system. It does not have warmode or the like.

BG’s are also cross-realm if you just want some regular PvP, meaning there’ll be no shortage of PvP if you desire it.

Organized RP-PvP events may take hold as the game slows down, especially post phase-6 when the endgame bumrush is pretty much over, and players are left to make their own fun and actually play the game as an RPG rather than leaderboard climbing action game. Really, it’s the time after the content buckets that I look forward to the most.

TBH I would rather not have xrealm BG

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They are exepcte to show up in one of the middle patches though. Looking at some of the server populations i think it will be needed for those more overpopulated realms.

Yeah, and I get there could be 1h+ queues for imbalance but there’s just something special about getting to know the really good pvp’rs on the other faction…

The old problem wasnt the 1h queue times it was there was no alliance left on some of the pvp realms. So the queue would literally never pop. Of course thats the faction imbalance comming into play but well see how the pops shake out this time. Based on some of the surveys though its looks rough on a couple servers. Though we wont know till after phase 1 i guess.

I agree though i think it would be better to know the good BG teams.

International talk like a pirate day is Sept. 19. Talklikeapirate dot com

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I live in the sea