[Bloodsail Buccaneers] Server Discord

The forums really moves quickly as of late.

Wayfarer’s Rest shudders

Count me in as another Hordie :grinning:

Horde numbers are slowing matching!

I am so proud of this community.



For the Horde! And Druid kind!

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Neutrality is key. Everyone from all guilds is welcome

I love some of the Themed names people have labeled on the discord. Its going to be nice playing on a server with name restrictions, so there wont be names like Ieatcakes.

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I love rp names compared to others. I’m the warrior, Thex

Thank you! This is excellent and I now have somewhere to direct any of my friends on my former RP server if they want to come to equivalent for classic.

Aye that’s what i’m talking about, we need more community!

All the community

All the PVE RP community i would hope

Oh so Guilds can’t claim ownership but discord can and dictate the rules of none discord players?

Well I would like to purpose a new rule on this server, everyone must get the bloodsail buccaneer hat.

No rules dictated here…

i tend to agree. Of course, I did my share of dancing on the fence outside, but it was more of an innocent thing, then.

And even on Moon Guard, most of the ERP is either underground or inside the inn. The rest of the server is fairly free of it.

We will see for sure, Classic was never really the boom of ERP in goldshire it was closer to TBC that things got crazy.

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Yeah an Alliance with just humans and night elves doesn’t draw the perverts in as the later races do.

Much harder to RP a futa draenei without the Draenei part.