[Bloodsail Buccaneers] Server Discord

I love great big sea

Rawr someone said airship pirates !

I personally cant wait to play pirates on the BB-Rachet boat!

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Awesome setup, thanks for doing that. I’m looking forward to being a (hopefully) true RP server again. <3 Ahh immersion.

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I highly doubt we’ll have folks wasting their time doing Epic RP in Goldshire on classic. If so, it will be far more sparse than Moon Guard.

Why play when you can get the Rep and BE one.

Come and get your raid on. We’re still here and kicking and if you want a place to have some fun with a chill guild, try out specs and play styles that “Just won’t work in classic” then come on over. We’re always willing to let you have fun and give things a try that others say will never work.

Ohh the off spec dream guild.

You’d assume it’ll happen but as was pointed out on the Discord, no HD models, no Draenei.

Good luck to you folks. I might join you at some point but for now rolling with rest of my Emerald Dreamers on Grobbulus.

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Thanks :smiley:

Emerald dream good times :smiley:

If you are looking for that old school sense of community, Bloodsail is the server for you.


I am excited at the fact that servers will now have discords!

I wonder what the original servers would have been like with today’s ease of communication

Draenei won’t exist in Classic so I am heavily doubting this.

(I used to play on MG for a good period and know what it’s like in there lols)

I can only imagine, would have been a different world back in the original classic if we had the communication of today. Players probably wouldn’t have been going to
raids as paladins in full lightforge.

Yeah I think server discord’s will really help strengthen the community!

Thanks for setting this up!

I’m new to Discord. I see the “chose your role” channel, and I see a bunch of people are already flagged as Alliance or Horde, but since the role channel is read only, how do we go about choosing?

Just click one of the corresponding buttons under “Choose A Faction”, “Choose your Class” etc, and it will be automatically assigned to you.

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Ooooohhh, thanks very much.