[Bloodsail Buccaneers] Server Discord

Answering the Syrious Questions.

Bump! did I mention the people on this server are super fun?! Cheers to less then two weeks!



One of us! Come join Bloodsail Buccanneers and meet a bunch of nerdy, awesome people. We’re a friendly group that can’t wait for the return of classic and that sense of ‘old school’ camaraderie! :slight_smile:

Almost 1k members!

Woot some of us were giving away free pizzas earlier to celebrate. If the Discord is anything to go by, BB is gonna be great!

I am Temmer and I approve this message. FOR THE HORDE!


Me waiting for all the amazing TRP and MRP that will be made for the server.

Server is hopping tonight!

i like it…i like it a lot

Yes it’s lovely!

We got a new discord icon, and website logo! All looking absolutely SMASHING!

This has been such an awesome tool for the Bloodsail folks anxiously awaiting the 27th. Well organized server, and wonderful folks.

We need Horde here we are out numbered 2 to 1

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For the Horde!

Why join the Scarlet Crusade when you can become a nerdy pirate!?

Be both! haha

Community… all about community

community is wonderful and active!

With Karaoke