Blood Knights assemble! (9.2.5 spoilers)

Looks like it matches their heritage armor. That’s from the quest that everyone does. I wonder if there’ll be a different reward for casters. The armor is an extra paladin quest at the end from the looks of it.


Where is that spear from or is that an npc?

Create a LFD and the NPC is right next to you.

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mocking you


It’s the same for dark irons.

Their weapons were actually datamined to be added in their heritage quest :eyes:

Not sure why it’s just these two races, but I hope they expand to the others. Also hope they just release all the heritage recolors some have.

That mount is pretty badass but it’s not as cool as the Paladin ram. They have the second best class mount.


Honestly, nothing beats the Paladin Rams. Blizzard nailed their design.


It would be nice if the mace was sheathed like that, but if it does go like normal 2-handers, it’s all fine as well.

Huh excuse you? Sunwalker Kodo. Thank you.

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Death to all who oppose us!

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