If you have to keep saying you are superior…are you really?
It was meant to for this dwarf below… Was Muradin a leader of the elves? Got me wondering…
And this is why people still meme on blood elves and hit you with that joke from 2007.
The only thing space goats are better at is being pavement.
Which leader was this?
Muradin. Frostmourne strucks him down with it’s mere presence. Remember?
yall let a 2h frost dk solo 90% of your race
be quiet
Orcs are the real master race
I’ll let you live your fantasy…
(Sips Arcwine)
The word you’re looking for is elite.
If Blood Elves are so great why isn’t there a Blood Elves 2?
Oh, guess Void Elves are kinda sorta in a way.
Blood elves were super cool back in the burning crusade. Then they just got blanded into oblivion at the end when the sunwell was reignited. Now they’re just humans with pointy ears.
With that attitude, I’m sticking my tongue in the Sunwell.
All right then why is Quel’thalas in the PS2 Era still?
Sheesh. Perhaps we should try to avoid these “master race” threads. At least, this is the only one I’m going to post in.
As much as I love blood elves, this made me almost spit out my drink.
I want to race change belf. People keep calling me short as a gnome i dont like it lol