Blood Elf Shadowpriests aren't canon

Bovan was barely a character to begin with. You don’t have any real complaints so you just dig up the most obscure characters and make a bigger deal out of it than it actually is

I have the right to complain since Blizzard has done the same stupid plot already with every other Horde personality avaiable. Bfa killed half our cast to give the alliance fistbump moments.

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Sure, you have the right. Just like we have the right to not take them seriously.

It is funny that you are a Vulpera yet you support the alliance version of the story and argument. Please change your avatar to blue so everyone can see your true alignment.

Point to where I support the alliance story. I’ll wait here patiently

I showed you evidence that other Horde leaders have treated the same way Bovan was. Yet you ignored it.

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I just said Bovan was a non character. I already expressed my dislike for horde leaders being killed off a while ago.

And I just said Blizzard will repeat what they did with Bovan to others if we don’t tell them to stop being as loud as possible.

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Rommath specifically pointed out that only “Umbric and his radicals” had been exiled over the issue, and more broadly denounced those who “treat with the Void,” not necessarily those whose vocations merely brush against shadow magic. This puts shadow priests in an ambiguous place, as their class fantasy was retooled to, well, treat with the Void, but even the holiest priest uses a degree of shadow in their casting. The Void club’s specific pursuit of that cosmic force, building off Dar’Khan Drathir’s methodology, was why Rommath forbade its activities. Umbric (bravo Blizzard) admitted as much in his notes.

It’s certainly a related topic. Some posters act as though any shadow priest could just walk up to the Sunwell and kill it. This is probably not the case. As we saw with Alleria, the danger is more that one sufficiently steeped in Void corruption can be marked, stalked, and hijacked by greater entities with that destructive capacity.

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There are thousands of people who think the earth is flat. Having dumbies click like doesn’t guarantee correctness especially in the face of blood and high elf shadow priests having never caused any issue before or since.


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There were no Nightborne (or Highmountain Tauren) present in the in-game depiction of the Burning of Teldrassil or War of Thorns.

If the annihilation of the Night Elves was next on Thalyssra’s to-do list immediately after being scorned by them, you can bet there would be no uncertainty about her and the Nightborne’s involvement and their intentions going forward.

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One person, not ‘them’. Not even the Moon Guard who were slaughtered by the Nightborne had anything bad to say. The only other main Kaldorei in the story was the Valewalker who went out of his way to help them but is now MiA.

The Kaldorei have as much of a problem with them as they do with Highborne and Quel’dorei and they’ve been fighting alongside them for years

Yep and that’s why it’s universally seen as an idiot move to have allowed Tyrande to interact with the Nightborne. She single handedly allowed the Horde to recruit them. The Nightborne were going to go to the Alliance.


Not really an idiot move considering how she has been welcoming the Highborne, its just…Something happened to her? Like she forgot about the Highborne being welcomed into her city by her and that arc was removed so there was tension


It was more a personal grudge Tyrande was feeling. Surumar didn’t help either side and “noped” out. They didn’t help Tyrande and Malfurion when they asked for help and they didn’t side with Azshara either, instead just put their barrier and said good luck.

Hey…Atlease the Kaldorei finally got their answer XD

Tyrande, being the leader of the Night Elves whose decisions guide her people.

It’s important to remember that the Moon Guard are not members of any faction.

The Moon Guard that were slaughtered by Elisande’s Nightborne regime understood she was to blame for their slaughter, and joined the Nightfallen rebels in liberating the city to defeat her.

Valewalker Farodin has always lived as a hermit in the forests of Suramar, and as far as we can tell, has no connection to the Night Elves of Kalimdor.

After Thalyssra decides to let the Nightwell die, Tyrande has this last thing to say:

Tyrande: The Nightwell is no more.
Tyrande: These Nightborne will learn to survive without its corrupting power, or they will perish. Let us hope it is the former.

A kind sentiment, but ultimately, decides to leave the Nightborne to their own devices as they emerge into a completely changed world, instead of allying with them.

The best course of action when you’re questioning whether or not the Nightborne will produce the next Elisande or Azshara is of course to immediately drive a wedge between yourself and them and push them into the opposite factions open arms.

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I mean yeah even Thalyssra says to players they are greatful for the heros aid but they must make their own path…They said it differently but its basically the same. TBH them joining the Horde is something i’ve long gotten over. I just like to poke a dead Nightwell

(Edit found it)
Thank you for being here, .

Ultimately the Nightborne must shape their own destiny, regardless of the help we have received from Outlanders like yourself.

My apologies, I didn’t mean you. I meant Lor’themar. It was a pretty stupid thing for Lor’themar to say the Horde only exits because of the Alliance, when it’s the other way around: The Alliance only exists because of the Horde.

That makes Bob look incompetent because now the Alliance has access to the forces of creation.