Blood Elf Shadowpriests aren't canon

I believe that was the point Solarion was making. That the killing of the king guaranteed it to happen. Prior to that, despite it being highly likely - It wasn’t a complete certainty. Especially with ole Rastakhan.

Henceforth Solarion’s statement “Zandalari join the Horde because the Alliance attacked them for aiding the Horde’s war efforts” wasn’t necessarily ‘Factually untrue’ – but more along the lines of “It’s a tad more complicated than just that.” because there is a degree of truth to his words.


Have fun with your headcanon.


Same to you. :beers:

But if you take a moment to look at the likes ratio throughout this thread – :exploding_head: Oh wouldjya look at that … More agree the issue exists and side along with my likeminded thinking than yourself. Sit down and be humble. :joy:


By that logic the Alliance set that path in motion the moment they imprisoned Talanji.


Not nearly to the same extent, I think. The first four formed because of the old horde, true, but the point of Lor’themar’s statement (as well as the meta point for what’s supposed to be one of the horde’s appeals as a playable faction) is that the horde’s the refuge for races with nowhere else to go. And none of the races added to the alliance since then has ever showed an inkling of wanting to be horde in the first place.

The worgen specifically were shown to already be waffling between alliance and isolation (not neutrality), which was part of the point of the civil war that was going on before the horde invaded. Umbric, speaking for the velves, openly talks about how he never wanted to be horde in the first place. And I don’t think any of the alliance’s other ARs have a bad interaction with the horde at all to push them over.

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It doesen’t Matter if it’s formal. They were allies when we killed Zul.

Alliance allied races have hubs. Horde ones don’t.

What do you mean by hubs?

After the Second War and many Alliance troops died in their lands they pulled away from the Alliance and abandoned them, building a wall to not allow them to enter. After that Kael Thas and his people sided with an enemy of the Alliance and were imprisoned in Dalaran by The Alliance and Mages of Dalaran. Even Jaina Proudmore mentions it was a betrayal when she is all lovely dovey.

Also recently went though that story and they are ever quoted as wanting to kill the Blood Elves, only study the way they use magic. The first strike was the Blood Elves as they attacked Dwarves and Night Elves.

But apparently it wasn’t that bad because Blood Elves are currently joining the Alliance though the Void Elves.

Nightborne : Not really a point as there was zero interaction with the Alliance, only Night Elves who were justly worried what the Nightborne would do next and tada they were right, they helped burn Teldrassil.

Trolls have always struck first and been hostile to the Alliance, not really a valid point when that lore does back 10 thousand years ago. We don’t know why the Kul Tirans were attacking them but lets no pretend the Trolls didn’t do anything to cause it.

You mean that questline that makes zero sense? But you have me there but at the time of the attack they weren’t attacking them due to being goblins, they weren’t attacking them due to being goblins.

This one makes no sense even though its displayed in game, the Alliance had no reason to attack traveling nomads. But the reason they joined the Horde wasn’t because of the Alliance but their connection to the Horde Hero and Zandos

I’m known for saying pretty stupid things but this isn’t one of them.

Tell me why the Alliance formed please? Was it because the Alliance hated the Horde or the fact the Horde were attacking and murdering their people?

Lol your everywhere.

Places like Telogrus. As it stands right now Vulpera and Mag’har are homeless.

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Because Blizzard is still alliance biased. The alliance took troll lands so of course the trolls defenden themselves. The alliance wanted the blood elves to be executed but Umbric ignores that because getting in the pants of Alleria is more important apperently. All of Bfa and all of the retcons to make the Horde races look bad are a deep sign of the devs picking a side and it hurts the story of the red team in every way possible. Ion, Danuser and Golden must be fired otherwise this crapshow stays this way.

Not sure where you are pulling that from. Better not be from BC because that’s just wrong in so many ways and levels.


The Vulpera never had a home since it was destroyed by the snake people in BFA. They are naturally nomadic even then hence their caravans. The Mag’har, well their homelessness is a part of their story.

It is a stupid story. Draenor should have been theirs. All of it. But nope
Blizzard gave it to Yrel and her fanatics.

They made their new Home in Vorrik’s Sanctum. And we all know Sethrak would have been the better choice as a new race. They had a huge butt temple to call their’s. Literally the largest structure on Zandalar after Uldir.

Overall I’d call it a Pyrrhic victory. Dreanor was dying. I think it was always destined to die with or without Fel corruption. So yeah Yrel got the planet but unless the Army of the Light picks them up, they are gonna end up the same way the Orcs did in our timeline. Hungry, resource starved, and desperate.

Pretty sure that Sanctum was just a place they were using as a base of operations to launch attacks against the Faithless.

Because the bad treatment of the Horde story to make the alliance look better continues.

But that happened. They burned their caravans and put the people in chains. We see that in the faction assault on Vol’dun.

Just because you hate it doesn’t mean it is not canon. Alliance attacking a neutral Thrall on his way to save the world is still official lore.

Of course you think that. All alliance players are very much like you. There is this german named Kurst who argues the same way and wants Alliance victories on the expanse of my faction.

We executed a spy who was sent to aid the night elves to cut our magic sanctum which we needed to cure our magic addiciton. The alliance struck first.

TBH had a whole book ready to post but wow is a large place with alot of confusing stories damn.

Am curious where they will go post DF though. and yeah even though it makes zero sense its still canon. Sorry to say i’m a Horde player too, got lore master there and got all my stuff while playing Horde. This is just my pfp for battlenet so I can have it all in one place.

I have been following this game since 2006. And ever since MoP ended Blizzard seems desperate to make the situation worse with every expansion that comes next. And there is no end in sight. Killing Bovan was yet another strike. Horde characters aren’t allowed to live. Meanwhile on the blue side everyone stays alive and nothing ever changes.

Bovan is a literal nobody. He had one tiny role in the RTS I believe

It doesn’t matter how important he is. The point is that Blizzard puts all our leaders and characters on the chopping block. Same happened before with Kael’thas, Rastakhan, Cairne, Garrosh and Vol’jin. If the current writing team continues we keep get pulled through the meatgrinder for many years to come.

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