Blood Elf Shadowpriests aren't canon

Not necessarily.
They’d be stating that those who went to the Alliance have made their decision, however those that remained loyal despite former-exile are to be pardoned — So long as they provide their … ‘gifts’ and knowledge to the protection & advancement of Quel’Thalas - Especially against those of their former kind, or whom they may had studied the void aside with (This could also open up story-avenues for the void elves).

I actually did make that suggestion ages back, lol :joy:
Although I can’t recall if it was on this thread, or another.

If they were to go that route, they could provide various artifacts or locations to change between two sets of racials, and have an NPC who asks what elven title you go by & depending what one you choose dictates your mouse over (High Elf, Blood Elf or Void Elf – Assuming you have the right racials selected).

Although if I recall correctly, as discussed that’s also not without it’s own struggles too.

While a void elf nearly ruined the sunwell.
They didn’t exist as void elves, but Windrunner absolutely did.

Anyway you’re canonically and objectively wrong.
All Blood/High Elves, including shadow priests, were allowed to literally bathe in the sunwell. Nothing happened.

Took actual void elves to trigger the invasion.

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:person_shrugging: Yeah, and? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
That doesn’t dispute the fact that all elves who treat with the void are dubbed as a danger to the Sunwell & thus exiled akin to Umbric and his ‘radicals’ — Prior to Alleria Windrunner having even encountered the Sunwell, or the small scale attack that was made upon it … :roll_eyes:

So no, I’m not. :joy: lol

You on the other hand, are:

  • Void Elves didn’t exist prior to being exiled, and even shortly after Alleria was banished they still technically didn’t exist at that point …
  • Rommath even states ‘ANYONE’ treating with the void. Not “Those infused with / Those who are void elves / Part void” etc — It’s simply the treating, studying and using. That was the scope of crime committed by Umbric & his followers.
  • Void itself is a threat to the sunwell, due to posing a threat to the purified essence of the Naaru that the fount perpetuates with, channels with, empowers with & how the void can transform that essence back into a state of void – Which combined with the Sunwell, can mean a shadowy dark fount of power.

Literally no. It’s directly stated in-game. That’s quite literally what set in motion the path, towards how Void Elves came into existence. What part of ‘ANYONE’ - who treats with the void, did you not translate?

Seems like you’re ignoring actual canon chronological events & quotes, whilst forcing your own headcanon as ‘factual’ upon others … I mean, hey I get it. Many do the same thing with this messy convoluted mess of a storyline – But at least have the decency to admit ignoring it like Baalsamael did, and not impose others as false with your own twisted version.

Addressing the gaps in the lore upon this subject is one of the purposes of this thread.



Rommath does not uphold or enstate the law.
He is simply a very loud man.

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Void Elves — Plural.
Last I checked, Alleria was 1 elf.


He quite literally does. lol

Hence the title ‘Grand Magister Rommath’
He’s the leader of the Magisters, the blood elves’ traditional order of magi - So quite literally states the law regarding magic & that amongst the order of magi and if that wasn’t enough, he is also one of the reagent lord’s highest ranking personal advisors to extend authority outside of those jurisdictions …

Sure, Lor’themar can overrule that authority – But when he did so for Alleria after Rommath had already exiled all elves who treated with the void, it didn’t end so well - So chances are that it’s doubtful he’ll do so again.



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The point you were arguing was how I was “Canonically and objectively wrong” but that’s not the case … The point I was making was that ALL elves who dabbled with the void being exiled had nothing to do with void elves, or Alleria — Despite her transformation.

It had to do with the void itself, and its adverse effects upon the Sunwell. You also seemed to gloss over other statements & points made regarding that.

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You are.
Shadowpriests have been bathing in the sunwell since M’uru died for our sins.
It took a void elf – Alleria – to spark an invasion.
Normie Shadowpriests don’t do it.

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And yet I’ve provided in-game source literally proving, let alone stating – Otherwise.

And you?
You’ve provided nothing, but your own flawed opinion. :person_shrugging:

Not to mention, Alleria sparking an invasion due to the essence of void leaking into the fount, causing an opening — Doesn’t have to do with the point of the thread.

Regardless of what can cause an invasion or what would actually cause serious harm, is irrelevant to the case made: Rommath has outlawed the any practice of void dabbling, and exiled anyone who proceeds to do so. Whether or not his opinion is flawed, doesn’t dispute the fact of the matter that HE firmly believes anyone who treats with the void is a danger to the Sunwell, and thus to be exiled.

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No, you haven’t.
You’ve provided Rommath yelling angrily.
Shadowpriests have not in any way upset the sunwell.
They are not as void-infused as void elves are.

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It can be told another way if you prefer.

The Horde only exists now because the Alliance keeps giving it manpower for free. If the Alliance had not kept pushing more races into the Horde, the Horde would not exist.

While what he said is quite true. It was the situation which did not warrant it.

The opposite is as true, though.

Would the Worgen have joined the Alliance if the Horde had not attacked Gilneas? Would the Void Elves have joined the Alliance if not for the Horde banishing them (well, Lor’themar/Rommath, but you get the idea). Hell, the existence of the High Elves was proof enough that Lor’themar was speaking out of his backside, but then the Void Elves just made him look like an even bigger tool for what he said.

What the Alliance does do moreso than the Horde, is also recruit people without them only joining because the other faction was awful to them. Meanwhile the Horde mostly gets new races because the Alliance had to be written as aggressive towards them to justify why that race would join the Horde to begin with.

It’s a narrative issue with the Horde. It’s so awful you’d only want to join because you’re on bad terms with the global super-power that actually engages in diplomacy and is pretty chill most of the time. The Zandalari join the Horde because the Alliance attacked them for aiding the Horde’s war efforts (insert surprised pikachu face here). Kul Tiras joined the Alliance because the Alliance mended bridges with it and helped it endure it’s internal power struggle, and remove it’s bad actors.

No. Just make the blood elves edgy again by reusing the fel crystals. Alliance can keep their void masters.

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Because Rastakhan was grateful to them because they removed Zul and saved the world from a proto old god. The pledge of Talanji was just a formality. The trolls were fully onboard with us the moment the questing was over.

Factually untrue

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By the time the Battle of Dazar’Alor happens, the Zandalari have not yet joined the Horde (Rastakan may have been heading in that direction, but had not yet made any formal moves to make such an alliance a thing). Meanwhile, the Horde’s presence in Kul Tiras is a result of the Horde having been able to use Zandalar’s port. Furthermore, the faction incursions happen before the raid, launched from Zandalar, against Kul Tiras, which at that time was a part of the Alliance.

Talanji became the Queen of Zandalar, and any hold outs against allying with the Horde changed their tune after the Alliance’s assault on the city, and the death of Rastakan. You may be able to argue whether or not the Zandalari would’ve formalized an alliance with the Horde on their own with more time, under Rastakan, but we’ll never know for sure. Speaking for myself, he seemed too smart to trust Sylvanas enough to ally his Empire with the Horde under her command. I imagine he’d have taken steps to remedy that issue, had he only been given the time.

… That’s still evidence, whether you like it or not. lol

That’s not what I’m saying, you’re not reading - So at this point, I’m gonna say you’re either a troll or find difficulty grasping ahead of some kind of language barrier.

I’m stating that Shadowpriests amongst blood elf ranks, along with other void using Sin’Dorei aren’t canon — Because they’re exiled. Which is factual as per-Rommath’s statement mentioned above.

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The Zandalar were already hostile to the Alliance because they imprisoned their Princess when she went asking for help. The Horde were the ones that broke her out. After that we went around solving or sorting their issues and getting Rastakhan’s trust. Keep in mind that by the time the Alliance attacked, we still weren’t officially allied with the Zandalar. That attack sealed the deal. Talanji became queen after and she still had dissonance she had to address. Your timeline is way too warpped.


No, my timeline is focusing on the events around the Zandalar’s joining. A regime happened to make it work. The Zandalari were not formally allied with the Horde until after the Battle of Dazar’Alor, which sealed the deal.

Indeed but the Alliance had already made an enemy of the Zandalar well before then. And they didn’t join the Horde because the Alliance attacked them for aiding the Horde’s efforts. They joined because the Horde helped to solve and sort the issues they were having. The Alliance killing their king only guaranteed it to happen.

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