Blood Elf Shadowpriests aren't canon

Except, it’s not. As of BFA, the Ghostlands is still not cleansed. The Blood Elves have so little control over it that the Void Elves were able to move around it freely, Night Elves are still there for some reason, and the Windrunner Sisters go on a killing spree down the Dead Scar without the Blood Elves even being aware.


And Dar’khan Drathir keeps rising from the dead and a new head grows upon his body every time.

No, it is quite clear from what we are being told from external forces that are not in game sources, or even in game size of the land. Yes, the Void Elves could manevour through the Ghostlands, but they also suddenly disappeared inside a rift.

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They quit quitting.


The Alliance had already been betrayed by them at this time, so checking what is up makes sense but yeah they did do that.

While he said that, it just isn’t true. But thats a another can of worms

Yes and No. Atlease its written within game why he did what he did. Many forget he used mind control to force nobles and his citizens to join the Horde. The ones he got his people to mind control where people suggesting joining the Alliance. It makes me believe the Nigh Elves actions weren’t actually that bad because they could just say “The Alliance is invading Quel’thalas” and that would make them stop, so it makes me believe the Night Elves actions in Ghostlands don’t really matter.

Terenas was dead and the Grand Alliance in shatters before Quel’thalas was invaded, yet again Blizzard make a point that makes no sense. Its like saying Alterac let the Alliance die in the Third War when it fell in the Second War.

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Iirc, didn’t he say they both exist because of eachother & their unwillingness to work together? I mean I know Taran Zhu shared his thoughts on the Alliance and Horde, and so far he’s the only one who’s called them both out.

Taran Zhu yells: I see now why your Alliance and Horde cannot stop fighting … Every reprisal is itself an act of aggression, and every act of aggression triggers immediate reprisal!

{Jaina & Lor’themar go to state their arguments}

Taran Zhu yells: SILENCE! YOU must break the cycle.

Upon the subject of Horde & Alliance working together, they could weave Blood Elf Shadowpriests lore-justifications with foreshadowing to further faction unities (eg. raiding & dungeons) too. :slight_smile:

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Oh, yee I never heard him say that, just took their word for it =D

Its been around +10 years since the law was apparently put in place, after TBC but 6 since it was shown. So new lore would be interesting. I’m also curious if eating a fruit from that tree the Nightborn ate from would disconnect them from the Sunwell and cure their need for mana

Eh, kind of ~ Blood Elves aren’t as dependent on the fount of magic as the Nightborne were. They were still dependent sure, however Nightborne seemed to have a much quicker downturn from not being sated than the elves of Quel’Thalas did.

However the Sunwell is more light in essence now than it is arcane, which if I recall correctly helps sate them of their magic addiction & the consequences of not sating it carefully (Otherwise risk turning into wretched, equivalent to Nightborne’s withered) – yet the new fount’s power makes them eager to be in its presence for the mere feeling it possesses one’s self alone, alongside its beauty.

The Blood Elves never betrayed the Alliance. And even if anything the Blood Elves did could be construed as betrayal, it was nothing that warranted an entire invasion force that would seek to kill Blood Elves.

As I gave quite the examples of.

Blood Elves.

All a part of the Horde because of the Alliance in one way or another. The prejudice and bigotry of the Alliance have lead to these races looking to the Horde for security. Such as the Darkspear trolls who were attacked by Kul’tiran soldiers, only to be saved by Thrall. The Goblins who were shot down by Alliance, because the Alliance did not want to “leave any witnesses”. The Blood Elves who tried to negotiate with the Alliance back in the burning crusade, only to find out that the Alliance had sent Dwarves and Night Elves to spy and invade. The Vulpera who had their homes burned and were also killed by the Alliance is what I have heard happening on the Horde side of those World Quests, simply for doing business. The Nightborne were being slapped continueally by representives of the Alliance - the Night Elves, because of… you guessed it, prejudice.

The only race that actually joined up with the Horde without facing any hostility from the Alliance - are the tauren.


The alliance betrayed them first.

Was a pretty stupid thing to say. The Alliance wouldn’t exist if not for the Horde. In WC1, there was no Alliance. It was the Horde vs. the Kingdom of Stormwind. The Alliance exists because of the Horde, not the other way around.

Not entirely certain on this one. The Arcan’dor had to be sustained by the ancient mana in that region. If an Arcan’dor was grow in Quel’Thalas sustained by mana from the Sunwell, then perhaps?

I am firmly against “curing” the magic addiction. There should be consequences for magic or power.

It would be nice to not remove even more of our personality. We are already too bland.


The alliance is the true evil of Azeroth. And the Battle for dazar’alor was alliance bias.

I don’t know. The Draenei get along just fine, and they had a civilization that makes Quel’Thalas look like the Orcs in comparison. Haven’t seen or heard anything about them experiencing addiction.

The addiction to magic, the withdrawal, and how that was coped with, made for an interesting narrative to explore, but Blizzard didn’t have the stamina to follow through. A Blood Elf’s addiction would be as constant a part of their life as going to the bathroom would be, and ultimately just as boring and mundane.

Blizzard didn’t really go that hard into it, when they could of. Looking at the story of Runas, they either found the capacity to tell truly amazing stories dealing in the psychology of addiction, or they found the motivation to tell them.

IIRC, that ironically came about because a story of him betraying you ended up being cut, so he had to be wrapped up without it.


I much preferred him not betraying us.
His friendship & change of heart was impactful, making for a great story. Many were actually hoping we’d meet him in Shadowlands – But akin to many other characters, sadly we did not get to reunite …

They could probably explore it with High Elves still aligned with the Alliance who don’t want to accept the Blood Elves kindness of allowing them to pilgrimage to the Sunwell, and spiral out of control with addiction.

I’ve seen some try argue that “High Elves are different from Blood Elves – They don’t get addicted and they don’t become wretched!” - but that’s simply not true. Quel’Lithien Lodge is a prime example of that folly mindset. People also tend to forget that the only difference between Blood Elves & High Elves — Is political. Biologically & cosmically, they are still the same, unlike Void Elves who were altered on a cosmic scale in the process of their captivity & transformation.

Personally I’d find the redeeming / justification of Blood Elf Shadowpriests & ultimate change of decree made by Rommath, useful to fleshing out the lore of Blood Elves using volatile magics once again. Like if they were to:

  • Use their power to hunt void beings & void users who threaten their kingdom, or the sunwell.
  • Transform that knowledge to be applied into another power (The light or nether-energies animation on shadow & void spells in-game)
  • Have void users expose more dangerous void users and advise ways to control, maintain and prevent the dangers of it — Helping protect the Sunwell & Quel’Thalas, along with using the same methods for allowing the practice of other volatile magics once more.

I mean, Blizzard could utilise the patching up of lore in such a way that benefits the overall story and if they’re wise enough – They could even create more content in doing so.


How do we even protect the sunwell or detect the void? Personally I would have trained felhunters to sniff em out.


The problem is that the pilgrimage doesn’t matter. They’re being passively sustained by the Sunwell regardless. All Thalassian Elves (sans Void Elves) are sustained by the Sunwell whether they choose to be or not. This became evident in, ‘Shadows of the Sun,’ when the Quel’Lithien High Elves learn of the Sunwell’s restoration, and comment about how they hadn’t been feeling the effects of the withdrawal lately. They hadn’t realized the Sunwell had been restored, but they’d felt the effects all the same.

Keep in mind, the High Elves of Quel’Lithien became wretched after the Sunwell’s restoration, as a result of coming into contact with an object of, ‘seductive power.’ It basically compelled them to drain it until they over-consumed and became wretched.

High Elves always could become Wretched, but it would be the same way Blood Elves did: over-indulging. There were just no quests about High Elves over-indulging in the game to show this.

The issue with this is that you are going to run into the question of, “Well, why did they exile the Void Elves in the first place, then?” What you’re describing would be Umbric and his follower’s place in Quel’Thalas. Indeed, the entire point of their studies was for Quel’Thalas’ defense and prosperity.

There’s not much of a way for Rommath/Lor’themar to suddenly proclaim Void Use fair game without coming off as massive hypocrites. Worse, I’d be worried that Blizzard would write the Blood Elves as extremely incompetent, given that all their Void experts got banished to begin with. It’d be about as embarrassing as those quests in Azshara(the Zone) where Blood Elves are laughing their butts off at Night Elves trying to be mages, commenting about how outdated their practices are, and with good reason.

I’m sure someone else already pointed this out but void elves and shadow priests are not the same amount of void exposure.


I did point that out, yes.
It regards to the specifics of Rommath’s statement, of which I mentioned in the thread creation:

— Also, the void elves were exiled BEFORE becoming void elves, and before being exposed to the void. Simply for studying & using it.

Have void users express that the void gives off an energy signature, or use beacons of light that detect or protect against remnants of various void entities should they be brought a piece of its influence – Which could be searched for by the void hunters.

However yeah, Felhunters could be a good use too. That’d actually be a cool dynamic to play with. Priests & Warlocks teaming up, utilising the void & other methods to protect their kingdom from the void.

Quicker than better lack of judgement.

The decision made could be made because of that decision. “Large handfuls of those who were exiled, became void elves & joined the Alliance … They now pose a greater threat to this kingdom. Perhaps … Perhaps I was short sighted. Fortunately, I have been humbled by a few other handfuls of those who I had exiled, in offering a solution.”

Show corrupted void elves returning & making attempts on their kingdom, for void users still aligned with the Sin’dorei to hunt & eliminate those threats; then use an artifact created by energies of the sunwell to purify whatever linger of corruption they either created or left behind.


So basically, give the Horde back the Void Elves, just without the Void?

It’s honestly convoluted. At this point they may as well just merge the two races into one and make them neutral like the Pandaren.