Blood Elf Shadowpriests aren't canon

Even as the Chosen One we still weren’t the driving force, if we’re honest.


Yeah that is true


I thought you quit? Or were quitting. Or something.

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Yeah the Void Elf lore really doesn’t make any sense.

And I say that as someone who really likes the Void Elf aesthetics and design. It basically makes all Blood Elf Spriests noncanon, and makes their warlocks incredibly questionable as well.

This on top of the fact that a group of Shadow magic wielders being more accepted into an Alliance lead by Anduin Wrynn than a Horde lead by Sylvanas is already a ludicrous notion to begin with. Couldn’t they just say they’re allowed to stay but just not be near the Sunwell?

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But then the Void Elves wouldn’t have gone Alliance, and the whole point of the Void Elves was to give the Alliance not High Elves.

They should’ve just had Void Elves be former High Elves if that’s what they wanted rather than making them Blood Elves who are seriously bipolar about their faction allegiance then.


At this point it’s pretty much a forgone conclusion that the reason Void Elves came from Blood Elves was a snide last jab at Alliance players. “You guys keep going on and on about the Silver Covenant. You want to play Blood Elves so bad? Fine. Here. Fresh from Silvermoon and dipped in purple, lol. Enjoy, losers.”


I’m not even sure that’s the case, because if they wanted to just stomp on High Elf player’s hopes and dreams they could’ve just said every High Elf became a Void Elf and no more High Elves existed save Vereesa or something.

I’m truly perplexed at why they decided that Void Elves would be former Blood Elves. The entire Void Elf story reads like a madlib.


I agree, though I feel like the writers went overboard into the “for the story to be true, other PCs have to be non-canon”.

I’m okay with the player character being treated as an exceptional and recognized person, but I feel it still needs to have that “one of many such skilled adventurers” feeling so that the multiplayer aspect of the game isn’t made awkward.

Like, I remember reading how in Wrath there was bonus dialogue for players with special achievements like the Scarab Lord title - and for others, like me (who was not very good at the game at the time), we got to overhear NPCs gossiping in admiration about how even the Scarab Lord was here.

I really liked that - it acknowledged player achievements to those who attained them, and alluded to the existence and accomplishments of other players. I’m glad the game has added more recognition of players’ actions, but I really want more of that second point as well - a framework to allow the player to know, lore-wise, where all these other powerful artifact-wielding adventurers fit into the player’s own story, without having to twist into a mental pretzel and make up headcanon or ignore certain narrative contradictions.


Wouldn’t really have stamped out the dream though, because those STILL would have been the High Elves that Alliance players have been questing alongside for multiple expansions, which is what people wanted. Them suddenly being purple would be lame, but the idea of these die-hard Alliance loyal High Elves being transformed by the Void against their will would make them highly sympathetic characters within the Alliance itself, and created a very different narrative.

I mean, there would already be an underlying trust between them and the Alliance, so rather than them flexing on the Horde to prove their loyalty, we’d instead see this group getting a pass on those same atrocities from a lot of conservative Alliance voices because of what happened, while at the same time the Alliance’s more aggressive actors would absolutely be supporting them as much as possible just to hit the Horde back without the kid gloves on for a change.

I mean, imagine how the narrative for the War of Thorns or Darkshore might have been different. Since the addition of the Nightborne to the Horde, they’ve been utterly inseparable from the Blood Elves. Meanwhile, Void Elves and Night Elves only ever had a scant few quests to talk. We never had a reason for why the Night Elves should’ve just meekly accepted the Void Elves as they are now into the Alliance. It has to be swept under the rug because it doesn’t quite make sense.

If the Void Elves had been those High Elves mending bridges with the Kaldorei over WoW’s lifetime, an actual relationship forming would have been natural. Even more, a degree of mutual empathy would’ve been possible between the two, as the War of Thorns basically forced the Night Elves to live out the Fall of Quel’Thalas from the Third War. Suddenly, the Night Elves understand what it means to lose your homeland and most of your race to some undead monster.

And I think the Night Elves would’ve been hard pressed to think that the Void Elves’ powers wouldn’t have been a welcome addition in their arsenal at the time. Even the Night Warrior dipped into some void-like aesthetics, opening a possibility for the two races to grow even closer.

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Which is silly, because it’s like saying “Do you want a coffee, or a new house?” when you have the resources for both. I mean heck, in my game development course I did years ago spell visuals were fun & easy to make – Even easier to change colour, was literally just a slider to alter it. The different programs & software for making visual effects didn’t differ too extremely either, so if they were to use that as an excuse I’d wager it’s a cop out.

… But you’re right – Ion would probably still state “Do you want X, or a raid tier?” :joy: lol

Honestly I felt like it use to be great. Many others along with myself use to be really passionate, keen and intrigued by the lore & story of WoW – Battle for Azeroth shook the tree and made us feel like it wasn’t looking so good, but Shadowlands put it into a grinder, ate it and digested it into a giant turd presented on a dish to the players claiming it was gourmet gold.

Aight, that’s fair.

Honestly I like the way Chronicles portrayed it – We as a mob, are phenomenal. Shame Shadowlands retconned so much of those books, they were great.

But yeah, honestly WoW should make the focal characters the main characters in the story, and not the player. Just cause some diehard egotistic maniac can go “Durhur, I need to be the centre of attention!” who doesn’t give a toss about the story, and have the lore crumble because of it. I like being reliable as an ally and being a hidden instrumental piece of the grand puzzle. Honestly I feel like Diablo lore portrays it really well when referencing ‘the player’ in its histories.

Legion I feel was relatively alright because there were many other champions of the same calibre and people all sort of collectively agreed we had the same artifacts because we were assaulting the Legion on multiple timelines & upon the spectrum of the multiverse to solidify its defeat.

… Anyway, I however feel like after ‘Shadowlands’ that the lore & story of the warcraft universe may be irredeemable. Although Dragonflight has given glimmers of hope, there’s too much of a bad taste left in my mouth when it comes to the grand scope of the story.


Honestly I’d love if they referenced our titles more
"Fear not, I saw some of the champions who bested Ulduar merely with the tools they attained there, who are with us! The Heralds of the Titans! " etc.


They can be canon, but just dont dwell in Silvermoon. Lets just pretend the Champion of Azeroth is a Blood Elf Shadowpriest. I doubt Silvermoon is going to push them away from Silvermoon and into the Alliance.

I would say the average citizen wouldn’t be allowed too, but the average citizen wouldn’t be interested due to the Sunwell being back.

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I’d argue by now, any Blood Elves interested in the Void aren’t in Quel’Thalas anymore either. Not just the idea that they were all exiled, but the fact that you see Silvermoon Scholars in the Rift suggests that any whom were interested have simply left of their own free will after learning about the Void Elves.


But that’s still rather annoying, especially since part of Blood Elf identity / their gig, was researching volatile magics & scholars diving into the deepest secrets of their known universe … Like it was just contradictory to the gimmick of their people. The fact it trashes on Blood Elf Shadowpriests too, kind of sucks.

Another good thing to do would be to have a questline with Halduron approaching the blood elf shadowpriest player - saving them from being arrested for using the void, and he makes a deal / plea to search for an artifact stolen by the denizens of the void long ago, that’s capable of protecting the Sunwell from the void. Redeem your character and the blood elf shadow users who still stand loyally with their people and march forward to a way of uniting all their kind …

Having a few lore-quests for each race would be ideal to fleshen out the world building, but lately Blizz can’t seem to throw content outside of the core-expansion theme. Rewards could be swift X colour variant of your racial mount, that they haven’t had access towards or something.

I mean the fact that they gave ‘High Elf’ customisations on void elves too, which most players rock out using the look of anyway — Rather defeats the purpose of them being a ‘different race’ of sorts … Blizzard should had just given them high elves, because what they did instead - was just straight up $#!% on Blood Elf identity & lore. And on top of that, they also made the gods, dragons and the most prominent beings in the warcraft universe pathetic plebs who couldn’t withstand X power source, and made the void a legitimate joke: “This power corrupts all, but we’re better so are thus unaffected.”



yeah the point of no high elves was they were small and scattered…Like the Void Elves are numbers wise, probably smaller then High Elves. Although thats a can of worms. But yeah a player who hasn’t done the void elf intro would have no idea about this ban as its not displayed ingame. Its clearly an in the minute thing to give Horde Nightborne which is something they said.

Was a thread way back to just name them Thalassian Elves and make it like the Panda intro, its been so long they need that.

But yeah the Void Elves being Blood Elves is weird since the Blood Elves turned away from the Alliance due to their apparent racism…Yet these Blood Elves are like "Aye we fight for the Alliance and want to retake Silvermoon for the Alliance leaves an odd taste as a lore nerd.


I love that several expansions later, people (besides alexstrazsa) refer to me as the Deathlord.


Yeah didn’t they hype up her having an interaction with dks? the only reason I mauned my dk the first patch. Actually I think it was mentioned once and Wowhead make 17 posts and every gaming news outlets made their own totally not copied story about it XD


Idk, most players agree with that from as far as I’ve seen. There’s only an extreme minority that screech @ the pointed out flaws, but those are the same people if you looked at their history have expressed they don’t care about the lore and just want X, Y and Z things without reason or cause.

Void Elves in general – With their lore, identity and progression as a race is a whole mess. Like, it diminishes the value of blood elves so much - and the fact is that’s one of the reasons they wouldn’t give High Elves … And instead they somehow did something worse that assaulted multiple avenues of the story & lore.


While Garithos did sow the seed of some bad feel between Blood Elves and Alliance, his racism was not ultimatively the reason for the Blood Elves turning their backs on the Alliance. The current Alliance only have themselves to blame for that, when they decided to spy on and invade Quel’thalas, even trying to kill Blood Elves who found out what they were planning, rather than sending help. The Alliance did this, while the Blood Elves dealt with amani troll emerging again, and remnants of scourge still wandering the lands.

This is what eventually forced the Blood Elves’ hand and had them join the Horde, which they also got easier access to thanks to Sylvanas.

Lor’themar did make a point of the Horde existing only because of the Alliance’s prejudice though, to which he wasn’t lying entirely either. The trolls, vulpera, goblins, blood elves and nightborne are all in the Horde because the Alliance were being morons… basically. Tauren are the only Horde race that willingly, without any hostility from the Alliance, that decided to join the Horde. The Undead were also “forced” to join the Horde, Sylvanas was sending diplomats to Stormwind to open talks, but the diplomats found themselves being hunted… but they are also undead… so, eh… I don’t really hold that against the Alliance tbh.


Lor’themar is a moron. The blood elves would have joined regardless of the actions of the night elves simply because Kael’thas already set in motion the race to cut all ties to the humans which he blamed all their problems for.