Blood Elf Evolution

And yes, Ion is also poorly using “evolution”. Minus a 100 points in his “promoting science understanding” score.


My speculation on the Quel’Lithien High Elves was what turned them into Wretched was a shard of the Crystal of Zin-Malor, as related to its quests in Classic. In the Cataclysm version we also saw that the crystal had not turned the High Elves into Wretched, but when the Blood Elves came it did turn them into Wretched.


Which makes you wonder…void power is usually depicted as purple, so shouldn’t they have glowing purple eyes? >_>


Ion isn’t a lore guy. I wouldn’t hang on his word. Frankly I wouldn’t hang on anything Blizzard says, or does.


We probably should have one eye color from the Sunwell. If the Blood Elves were more about draining things I would say that different eye colors would be a neat indicator of what you drain.

What I’m saying is that I would like to judge other elves’ lifestyle completely based on their eye color.

The Sunwell is not purely Naaru energy.

Besides one comment from Alex Afrasiabi that I can remember, the only person who ever touches on this top from Blizzard is Ion, for some reason.

Name one case of an Orc’s skin color going from green to brown.

Since elven eyes seem to be very sensitive to the type of energy they consume and seem to change rather quickly it make sense. High elves had blue eyes because they consumed arcane energy. Blood evles have green eyes because of the fel they consumed. Since the Sunwell is now a mixture of arcane and light, making it turn golden for some reason, it would make sense Blood elves would eventually all have golden eyes.

Character evolution is also a thing. It doesn’t have to be biological, in story telling it’s natural thing. That character/ faction is progressing so going back to what it used to be would undermine the journey they took.

But if they were actually serious about it they wouldn’t pull out Sunwell patch which made belves revert back to helves in anything but stupid eyecolor and name. They became very quickly generic and bland again.


(Correction): For most Blood Elves, they were simply in Quel’Thalas at the time Rommath and the Magisters performed reconstructive rituals powered by fel energy. I don’t think many of the Blood Elves on Azeroth actually consumed fel energy directly. For most it was arcane, but fel leaves it’s scaring.

(Commentary): The various faded green colors in eye options for Blood Elves is rather interesting, as it does show there are stages of cleansing. In terms of RP opportunities it’s a nice way to let players slowly over time change their eye color through the barbershop to demonstrate their continued state of cleansing by the Light in the Sunwell.


I interpreted it more as “as the blood elves [storywise] have evolved” and not “as the blood elves [biologically] have evolved.” I believe he was talking more about their story, as culturally they’ve become different from high elves and giving them blue eyes would go back on that, since blue eyes have become the signifier of being a high elf.


Semantics… Whatever energy source they are exposed to seems to change their eye color fairly quickly.

It’s from Ion’s mouth.

Go watch the interview

Oddly enough you’d think Night Elf Highborne would have blue eyes from tapping into the Well of Eternity, too.

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Aren’t they a light shade of blue though? Kind of like a moonlight shade?

Different than a midnight blue, cyan or arcane blue, but still blue I think.

Guys, I don’t particularly like Ion, but I feel like all the nitpicking about the word choice in ‘evolved’ is a little excessive.

He’s doing an interview. He’s saying the words as they enter his head. He meant ‘changed over time’, or maybe he meant ‘evolved from a design/story’ perspective.


Completely honest, the only reason why I chose “Blood Elf Evolution” for the title was because I was trying to avoid using either the words “Blue” or “Eyes”.


Blue Eyes Elf Dragon?


That’s Ysera.