Blood Elf Druid

Sir Didymus from Labyrinth though, he’s a perfect case for a Vulpera pally

and nobody would even questions this, fly away beautiful cow of vengeance

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I do.
You said, noone.
I want all races all classes.

And now I am legally required to go rewatch Labyrinth for the 978th time. Thanks a lot, I actually wanted to get something done today.

Also, mmmm Jennifer Connelly


They kind of did, I mean Ion literally went on the record and said that certain race/class combos wouldn’t ever make sense and they want it to make sense if it’s going to be added and that comes after them not even bothering with Paladins, Druids or Shamans for all and then to top it all off they didn’t even give Monk or Death Knight to Dracthyr or Death Knight to Earthen and those are supposedly universal classes now so.

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The limitation with monk seems more technical - the class requires far more in the way of dedicated animations then the others

About the “sun cult” thing, I feel like blood elf identity was totally cheapened when they linked it all to Tauren Paladin’s and an’she. Just, wtf.

Now paladins have such nonsense like “blessing of seasons” which should basically be a Druid spell in its theme.

They are really messing up class and race identity by making too many compromises and homogenizing things

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Mmmm David Bowie in spandex.

Yes just have it so A’lar as Kael’Thas’ pet is an incarnation of a prime phoenix, a firebird at the level of like Cenarius

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You want to get technical “Loa” is just a word that refers to powerful spirits, beings and gods…

Though its most often used in conjunction with the Troll Loa that are effectively the same thing ~ as Wild Gods and the August Celestials.

Aussielight is still right that the individual Wild Gods and Loa and whatever else you want to toss in for Nature have little reason to have any issues with the Blood Elves… They’re not a monolith.

Also the concept of the Amani Loa reaching out after what the Amani did to them? Thats a good potential story to play with. Even better if we also see the Amani (as some suspect) coming into the Horde fold during Midnight.

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Yeah see, I didn’t like how they homogenized the Loa into Wild Gods … They were hinted, sure – but they never really completely confirmed until the pass few expansions. Before that they were sort of the same, but nonetheless had more unique differences.

  • I use to be in LOVE with the idea that the loa were godlike beings that not only held more mystical power than could be explained at times, but could also house their OWN afterlife for their followers. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I absolutely loved the Zul’Drak quests where you engage with the Loa and such – especially Quetz’lun who forged a NEW afterlife, as a hellscape realm to punish their followers who betrayed & killed her.

:unamused: Loathed how Shadowlands just pooled them altogether and made them governed by a robot in a realm made by a 3D printing machine (Zereth Mortis) and then to top it off — Made all the souls and even the afterlives themselves entropically nihilistic …


So here is the angle…

Blood elves need a way to revitalize the land and heal the dead scar

This is where A’lar the phoenix “wild god” comes in.
And not only mages but you can have Blood Elf Druids carry out the plan

Your welcome blizzard

Well, if we get Belf Druids, we better see Nelf Paladins :smiley:

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I wouldnt mind that I just want them to alter spell effects for flavor so they are moonlight/elune focused maybe hearkening to this “night warrior” entity

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Arator and the Army of the Light in general opened that potential up years ago. The introduction of the Hallowfall Arathi just makes it highly likely to be a thing that happens relatively soonish.

With the merger of elves in midnight, there is no reason Nelfs/Velfs can’t have paladins, Blood elves/Nightborne cant have druids. There is a lot of possibilities including paladin undead and even druid undead since lore states that they are all a part of the cycle.

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My big concern is they will just flip the switch and say “here you go” in the most narratively lazy and thoughtless manner like they did with Goblin Shaman, Orc Priests before they even escaped from Y’rel’s crusade (which we’re onlly recently even seeing became a thing in-game), New race DK’s unlocked day 0 before we’d even met the races in-game or the Ebon Hold could have possibly even gotten their hands on their bodies. Etc etc etc.

The key to it for me always comes down to execution.
I’m cool with it, so long as Blizz takes the time to actually set it up and execute it properly from a lore/story perspective.


I think they at least have some openings for most of these, and if they want to tie it to the theme of the scattered elven tribes in Midnight

  • Nelf paladin - Delas and Salandria gives a bridge for it (esp. with Salandria noting that how they channel the light is still not how human paladins do it, as there have been complaints with Delas leaning too into HumanPaladinhood much as there have been with the post BC blood knights)
  • Belf druid - the questgiver for the Old Whitebark quest is 100% the NPC to bring back if they don’t make someone new, maybe they can throw a bone about botanist lore too
  • NB druid - the Moon Guard being restored as a neutral elven organization and working with Farodin is 100% a setup for it in my mind
  • NB and Velf Paladin - again my opinion here is that Salandria, as a squire who grew up as a refugee, is a perfect opener for fraternization among the younger generation and opening the possibility of knights of the other groups picking up the idea of channeling light separate from the silver hand priest knights.
  • Velf druid, possibly a similar storyline to belf druid involving a desire to see the Ghostlands and the scar cleansed

I’m thinking of an undead “Rot Druid” that uses fungi and mold and stuff from which new life grows…it’s doable TBH

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Larianna Riverwind. Yeah that could work. Though, if memory serves, she’s one of the rangers and not a druid, or even druid tangent other than wanting to see the forests regrown properly without the scourge taint.

A lot of folks keep leaning to the Al’ar angle. But honestly, I’d rather steer away from setting up another group of fire worshiping Druids. Tyrannde doesn’t need even more excuses to throw even more tantrums over what the High Born are doing. Not to mention that the pheonix was the crest/symbol of the Sunstrider family. And the BE’s in general have been trying to distance themselves from the mess Kael left with his shenanigans since the middle-end of TBC.

There’s actually a better way to justify BE Druids that ties into the next bit.

I’d actually lean more to having Valewalker Farodin as the catalyst for the NB druids thanks to his work alongside the Nightfallen in growing the Arcan’dor and it’s fruit which was used to cure the Withering and free the NB’s in general from their addiction to the Nightwell. Just have him work to establish a group to guard and maintain the Arcan’dor from the Nightborne who wanted to learn and study it for the betterment of their people.

This would also be an in for BE’s since there’s no reason the Arcan’dor couldn’t do for the Blood Elf Wretched what it did for the Nightborne Withered. IIRC that was a consideration mentioned like once or twice but never followed up on. Bring in BE Druids by having Farodin attempt to grow another Arcan’dor in Quel’thelas for it’s original purpose of balancing Arcane and Nature magics. Grab a few of the Blood Elven Botanists, use them to establish a High Elven branch of the Cenarian Circle tasked specifically with the restoration of the Tainted Scar and Ghostlands, and there’s the narrative hole filled pretty simply using existing in-game canon to do it. Perfect chance to remedy a missed narrative opportunity on multiple fronts.

NB and VE Paladins are a lot easier than that.

For Nightborne, they are fully united with the Blood Elves both politically in the Horde and literally through the marriage of their respective chosen leaders to one another (I’m still mad we didn’t get to see and attend Lor’themar and Thalyssra’s wedding). Currently, they are the only elven factions we have of of all the groups that are truly unified in more than words. There’s no reason to think there couldn’t just be Nightborne interested in joining the ranks of the Blood Knights. People forget that order was originally formed to serve as the Royal Guard. Makes perfect sense for the Guard to now be made up of both Blood and Nightborne elves since the Royal family is now both Blood and Nightborne elves.

Heck they could create a new order of paladins from both groups specifically for this purpose and call them The Order of the Sun and Moon (symbolically referring to the Blood Elves and the Nightborne). That’s the kind of poetically diplomatic thing that we’d kind of expect to be one of Lor’themar’s bright ideas. Bonus points for romantic undertones of the gesture to his wife since she does so love his poetry :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. Did I mention I’m absolutely livid we didn’t get to see or attend their wedding?
For the VE’s, I think it’s still best and easiest method is to go with a more visually thematic direction. Don’t have them channel the light or be affiliated with any of the existing paladin orders at all.

Narratively, just have them be a subset who have developed new ways to tap into and channel the void to give results similar to the abilities that the light based paladins have.
Similar to how druids and shaman have different visuals for their forms and totems, VE Paladins would have mechanically identical abilities as far as gameplay is concerned, but just give them voidy cosmetic visuals.
Something similar to the Defile visual for their Consecrate, The Shadowmend visual for their heals, Shadow Barrier visual for their Divine Intervention and Blessing of Protection effects, black & purple wings for Wrath/Crusade, etc. Storywise there not a lot that needs to be done if you go this route. All the work would be the visual assets and spell effects which wouldn’t be any different from the work required to make a new set of assets for a new druid or shaman class.

Call them Void Zealots or something along that line (also using that tag when NPC’s refer to them in quest text when they mention your class). Boom, done and done in a way that makes sense from a thematic and narrative perspective. Easy peasy, with no story problems for where they came from.

VE druids I still think should be a no go. Because then you’re just muddying things up tremendously in dangerous ways mixing wild gods with void essences. I just don’t see a thematically believable way to get them into druidism when their entire thing is they willingly experimented with and sought power from the Void.

It’s similar to my argument against VE Demon Hunters. You will keep running headlong into the “You can’t serve two masters” problem. Why would any of the Wild Gods empower a Void Elf when they can’t trust the fact that they’ve already got another cosmic power whispering in their ear and trying to corrupt them against everything druids believe in. Add to that noone would want a druid with both the Nightmare AND the Void screwing with them at the same time, just like The Illidari wouldn’t even consider the potential of someone having both the Void AND the Demon whispering in their minds at the same time. Service to one cosmic power is more than enough. And just due to the nature of the Void Elves, they’ve already got their one the instant you make the character.

Just leave VE’s out of the druid discussion. It’s ok for there to be some exclusivity with regards to some classes. That’s not a bad thing.