Blood Elf Druid

Time for belf shaman too. They already exist in lore


tell me you dont know blood elf lore without telling me you dont know blood elf lore.

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Can we fly in Quel’Thalas?

I’d love to see Blood Elf Druids finally. Long time coming imo.


High elf druids exist in lore and have since warcraft 2 so at least 27ish years been cannon them having it pre wow lorewise. blood elves are high elves, the sad thing is the amount of people who dont know the lore and/or just out reject this possibility is staggering i just ignore what they say nowadays anyways.


Huh, I really wouldn’t be giving Rosenivy crap if you’re going with that bit of “lore.”

The elf “druids” that placed the runestones around Eversong was changed to magi over 10 years ago.


source? current cannon source? not an opinion but an official one.

ROFL how could you not know this while passing yourself off as this elf expert. Sure, I’ll get you the source. Give me a minute.

I don’t understand this one, Naralex destroyed the Barrens?

because what you said isnt true half the things said in this thread against the belf is either opinion or non-cannon thing or simply something that was said by an npc using the non-reliable narrator method which is done quite a bit in wow.

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Indeed. The Overgrowth. Canonically, it will continue to spread, until it envelopes the entirety of the Barrens.

World of Warcraft Chronicles Volume 1 page 121.

And my bad. It’s been 8 years, not 10. I was close.

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thing is wow chronicles is written from ingamer perspective such a nonreliable narrator and much in it has been retconned since and as such you haven’t provided proof. i have that book right next to me got it for a present few years ago.

Like what. This book was written in 2016 so what has been retconned?

Yes I did. I gave you the page number to an actual lore reference.

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the titans origins the origin of the universe the entire narrative of warwithin dragon flight shadowlands so on. also just checked it does not at all say the highborn/high elves gave up druidic magic.

Ok then where was it changed back to druids?

The only mention of high elven druids was retconned in Chronicles. Where else are they mentioned?

never was retconned out. they never stopped they left the night elves because the if they couldnt use arcane magic because they would be executed thats why they left it was never rejection of druidic magic it was so they would not be persecutated by the night elves. the hate for night elves grew actually in cataclysm when they allowed arcane magic back the very thing the highborne the ancestors of the blood elves were forced into exile for. [quote=“Tovi, post:217, topic:2019112, full:true, username:Tovi-moon-guard”]

The only mention of high elven druids was retconned in Chronicles. Where else are they mentioned?

the information is in the warcaft 2 manual from the 90s i can try to link it if you like.

Yes it was. World of Warcraft Chronicles Volume 1, page 121. It states there that magi did it.

No point. Chronicles is newer.

… Chronicle is considered canon until its changed in game or a book after its creation. For this particular situation Chronicle is the most recent canon source.