Blood DK as DPS?

Yes all I have in my parties are Blood DK’s. :pensive:

We keep getting these threads (Can X DK tree perform Y role). Feel free to check my post history for more detailed responses, but yes, Blood DPS was around back in 2008 and did fine. The spec is viable for all normal mode content in the expansion. That’s the class design. Whether you will actually get into groups is down to player behavior/the meta.


Well considering that entire comp there isn’t even a 25-man team for Sunwell I can only assume that’s why.

Being hyperbolic by essentially listing a non-25-man team for a 25-man raid is silly, you do not need to be a meta-slave to clear content and people who act like YOU have to be are generally referring to people who are trying to maximize effective runtimes. I.E. trying to down something like Naxx in 45 minutes.

Sorry, you didn’t clear Sunwell tho.

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I’m sure with armor pen and shadowmourne , you’ll be fine. :slight_smile: Live your dream!!! :cloud_with_rain: don’t listen to the haterz!!

Yup I never cleared sunwell…


I should add, my guild back in when Wrath was last current content downed Putricide with a Blood DPS in the group, and that’s arguably the 2nd hardest boss in ICC, at least at the time. It was certainly not uncommon to see them around. He wasn’t with us when we got LK down because he had left the guild, but I’m doubtful it would have been a detriment to our progress.

We’ll see what Blizzard has done to dungeon difficulty and raid difficulty since we last saw it.

Right now, as is, without any huge NPC stat changes, Blood is good enough to DPS heroics and Naxxramas, especially Naxxramas 10 but they said they were interested in making things more difficult so we’ll have to see what they decided to do at the last minute, if there’s a huge spike in difficulty then you may want to be unholy first as it’s going to take awhile to find a lot of lvl 80 armor penetration items.

I cleared 10 man ICC past Sindy all the way to LK where we quit for Rift. I was always top dps as blood and arp capped.

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Grats! I’m happy for you

Going off beta so far Naxx isn’t all that different but things can change from beta to launch so we’ll know by then, Heroics are apparently still a cakewalk.

Prot DPS here, RL who do you want me to Vigilance?

A few Naxx changes, biggest is how brain dead easy it is

Just a small correction, Blood is not a viable DPS until ICC. Once you get arp capped, Blood dps is actually very competitive.

Pretty much this its very below average until ICC.

ARP cap in ICC 1 on 1 fights are gonna generally have Blood scale above Unholy in DPS so its a case of investment and enjoyment of playstyle and knowing by the last raid tier you’ll be pretty good.

Otherwise I’d lowkey just tell you to play Unholy or Frost and try out Blood in ICC. But if you like Blood DPS and its your preferred playstyle go fullsteam ahead just don’t expect to be topping damage meters or having le epic dps numbers that outscore Ret or Arms.


Id take a blood dps over an arms warrior.

One does no dps and provides no utility that another class has. The other is blood dps


Remember when frost was tank? Blood dps is viable if the person in question makes the effort to make it there. Wanting X Y and Z specs is optimizing group content, therefore removes the fun out of the game.

It’s “possible” to be DPS as any build with any class. Such a silly question. The issue (if you see it as one) is that you won’t be as good as frost or unholy. Blood is at its best when you have no one else to heal you. When you do have a healer, which is the case in any group/raid, its main perk is negated. What you are then left with is an inferior talent page. Both of the other pages can tank+damage better. They just don’t have the personal healing.

“People thought they were crap, but they aren’t, they just can’t pad their damage with AoE.”
-Pad their damage? Damage is damage. If one guy has a higher total, then that means he did more. It does not matter where it came from.

No. Stop that. This is private server garbage meta. Most of them can’t even code stuff like Blood Gorged and Bloodworms properly.

Frost is the tank spec. The better one, too. Better AoE, better mitigation, can still self heal.

Don’t believe me? Use the wayback machine to hit up the ol EJ forums.


Have to disagree here. Blood DPS is like Ret paladins in TBC.
People thought they were crap, but they aren’t, they just can’t pad their damage with AoE.


So, at og launch of wrath while all 3 specs could tank, Frost was very much intended to be the tank spec, while Blood and Unholy was DPS focused.

One of the last patches for wrath effectively made Blood tank only, absolutely killed its DPS viability.

I tried this in vanilla WOTLK and for the most part it did work but over all in a 5 man what you will be doing is taking most threat away from the tank.

Best way to avoid taking threat is to use threat reducing enchants or stats on armor so the 5 man run/pugs will not hate you.