Blizz's own words about Hunters

Like lone wolf talent


But without an extra talent point.


Who is going to tell the OP? I know I don’t want to.


Times change, roll with them or become a fossil.

I’ve run a Hunter since we fought warriors for ranged weapons. My pets used to say “epic” for rare tames. I once had to have a pole arm for melee range (thank god that’s gone), and now survival uses one as a weapon, a hunter with no bang bang? And it should be a tank, but that’s just my opinion.

We finally have a true HUNTER, that doesn’t need a pet, we aren’t hunting birds here. I might give it a try now that I don’t need to summon a pet at specific times, then dismiss it. That’s as bad as having to shoot a flare into a tar trap.

I’ve never done much with MM, but I will be giving this a go, it sounds fun.


Was it though? Or was it given as an option for players who weren’t interested in pet-management but still wanted to wanted to play a not-caster ranged class?


An eagle is also a pet companion


MM has access to about a dozen pet-specific talents.

People like you are being purposely obtuse.


Wish the developers would have gone full on retooling BM into a Melee/Pet spec. Turn MM into the Ranger Spec and Survival into w/e people voted on spec. :+1: :grinning:

I am also excited to test out MM when it pops up on the PTR.


Yes. A five percent dps loss is a huge incentive to dismiss your pet. I remember when the mage tower first came out I did it petless because the damage requirement was so high.

It’s clear Blizz and some players want a ranged option that doesn’t include pets. And they should have it. But hunters are a pet class and should remain that IMO.


I view it as they’re just separating it into 2 different types of hunter identities. “Deer hunter” type and “Duck hunter” type, so to speak. Deer hunters don’t use a dog or anything, but duck hunters do. Both types are hunters though with different approaches. I think the big roadblock for some players now is they just can’t get past the no pet part. Patch notes could say “MM armor increased 300% , damage increased 300%, eagle grants 25% increased crit chance aura” and people would still be screaming REEEEE MY PETS!. After 20 years they’re mentally having trouble coming to terms that the change may be a good thing. I’m not knocking them, humans naturally don’t react well to big changes. Unfortunately though, things do change. We’ve seen it many times over the years with the classes.

Then MM isn’t actually a petless spec. It’s a choiceless spec. It’s almost like a petless spec in the pet class doesn’t work. So don’t force a square peg in a round hole and just make a true ranged physical dps class that uses bows and guns. Don’t gut hunters for a suboptimal version of one.


I agree and I don’t understand, MM has had the freedom to be one or the other for years. Why is Blizz forcing this change? Don’t like pets, cool, run as Lone Wolf, but for those of us who make use of a tank why kill that option?

I don’t run BM or Demonology because managing pets is not my idea of fun.


I think the eagles inclusion is what burns most people on the changes, it’d be more accepted if they just went whole hog into making it fully petless. People are pissed that a “Faux pet” exists for the spec, but players cant do anything with it, making it yet another half measure.

Also, semi unrelated, but there are plenty of folks who do go deer hunting with hounds, and many types of hunts are conducted with dogs at the hunters side, its neither a justification for or against because everyone has their individual way of hunting.


You are correct. I just think they’re leaning it towards the more traditional type that sit quietly up in their tree stand/hunters blind and hits their target with a calculated timed shot, then carry it home slung over their shoulder.

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And yet they are making some amazing new changes to ONE aspect of a hunter. Hunters still have pets, you and the rest of the Breakfast Club are just not thrilled.

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Naw, it’s a hallucination, not a pet. Pets were something hunters used to feed, and have talents, and abilities beyond the mundane.


Cool story, bro. So what class do you make that doesn’t step on the archer/gunner concept of Hunters? Let me guess “Tinkers”. ::eyeroll::

Shh, you’ll bring that dude in who desperately believes tinker’s are 100% coming and 100% gonna be mech jockies.

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I don’t play hunters often, but when I do, I play them BECAUSE I want the pets. Hunter = pet class. I completely agree with you, it’s an immersion disruption.

If I want a sometimes pet, I’ll go play a Mage, where choosing as pet is a bonus to the class, not a baseline of the class descriptor.


Mech Jockies still don’t scratch the itch of the “Ironforge Gunner” character concept from WC3.

And to be 100% clear, ever since my first play through Gnomeregan, I’ve wanted a mechjockey class.