BlizzCon Winner CDew said: "The game should be balanced around Top 0.5%" on stream

I disagree. If there’s a class that globals people but the top 0.5% are able to counter it that to me is bad design.

How many dirty casuals still play sc2 ladder? I don’t know the answer, but it was almost dead back when I played it years ago.

I don’t know why they have to make such bomb-level changes to this expansion. It’s like they released it as an open beta. I’m all for reducing the bs in pvp, but how about we try microchanges instead? For example, don’t change some ability by more than 3-5% (they literally change some abilities by 20+ percent, sometimes over 100%.

No. The game should be balanced around the 1800-2400 bracket experience. That is where the majority of people who are “good enough” reside.

No changes should ever be made off the 0-1200, or the 2.5k+ bracket. The first has too little gamesense to understand what is truly overpowered (i.e. OMG NERF MELEE ZUG THIS UNFAIR MY WARLOCK 2 WEAKZ) or 2.5k+ (i.e. OMG ASSASS TOO GOOD NERF OMG OMG)

It should be aimed at the bulk of what is overperforming to the “above average, to good” player base. What’s crushing the 1800-2400 is what’s overperforming to the average above-par player. That’s where you can isolate what’s truly overpowered.

spoiler: it’s almost exclusively casters, and has been since 10.0.5 dropped.

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Game should be balanced around the 70th-90th percentile range in general, with noobstomper specs and tactics reigned in as well for the bottom of the ladder. Reason being is that this is where the largest number of players and largest number of players who take the game seriously are. Obviously they are not the most successful at taking it seriously but they still care and are still attempting to get better even if they are not amazing at doing so.

What happens to the top 10% of players (and this goes 100x for the top 1%) is of little consequence. Elite players can be expected do whatever is necessary to be or strive to be the best, including playing a different spec or class if it comes to that. Now, this doesn’t mean Blizzard shouldn’t even try to also have every spec viable at the top, but that goal should never override the primary goal of having every spec on equal footing for the majority.

It’s a very simple decision with 90+ people on one side per 10 or fewer on the other. There is no logic behind prioritizing the game experience of the few over the many, especially when the few would still have the option to compete at the highest level regardless, in addition to being able to take their favorite spec as far as it can go otherwise. They just wouldn’t be able to necessarily compete at the highest level as their favorite spec, and in general the meta might be more restricted.

Not that it would really change things even if it weren’t the case, but the fact that arena is utterly laughable as a spectator sport makes it even more asinine to give any special consideration to the best players.

None what you typed means anything because rating is carried by addons. So while you may be spot on with populated rating zones, you are misled on what is actually achieved by the player

That’s how DOTA is balanced.

Hes right in most cases the outliners are weird microsecond interactions that are near exploits but those don’t really exist in wow.

That said stop trying to promote a wow pvp streamer they are just failed runescape pvpers.

Yes indeed, it is how most esport is balanced. I dont like streamer but he is not wrong on balance

Your issue is that the overwhelming majority of the player base doesn’t care at all about PVP. There’s no scenario in which the game should be balanced around PvP, regardless of which echelon.

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They already have separate gear systems for pve. Why should pvp balanced around people doesnt pvp anyway. Complaints for pve raider playing random should just be ignored

Stop replying to troll threads


No really…

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hes not, dude is a cry baby lol

Exactly, and Dota has been a dead game for awhile.

Shut up trash and go learn your keybinds



1000 critter swine. Even when the game is dumb down even further you will remain trash. You will just find something else to complain about thats preventing you from getting above 1000

People that quit over 10 years come back and are already better than you

Wuz that? Stay mad

I think the PvP should be balanced around the most popular form of PvP content (battlegrounds).

Virtually noone cares about 3v3. I don’t see why the game should be designed around a niche form of content most people aren’t doing.