Blizzards Sharding problem!?! Help me fix it?

Here are my thoughts, “squeaky wheels get the grease”!!! I know I am not the only one with sharding issues that prevent continuity in playing, if we fill out a bug report every time we are negatively affected by sharding, would they hear us and try to fix it? For those of you not affected count yourselves truly lucky! But for the rest of us, like me, it is hindering my play and certainly my enjoyment of the game. All I want is a stable game environment to enjoy the game on. Please help! Thank you and safe journeys.


They will never fix it , They do not care !!

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But if we do in game bug reports, wouldn’t they then see what is affected and and how many are affected?

That link has all the bug reports up tell he lost being able to post there . There has been more bug reports on top of ones in that link . There has never been a blue post on it . There is a blue post on tweeter that has been posted on wowhead but it was not about retail it was for classic . This is my last xpac because of Sharding/Phasing .