Blizzard's obsession with Megaservers

So you’re just making up nonsense.
If you don’t want to play on a lower pop server (which ironically would be considered High back in Vanilla), then don’t. Why do you care if others do?

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That irony is exactly it! I came back to WoW after a 10 year break and I’m comparing my experience here to “high population” vanilla Emerald Dream so it’s hard to wrap my head around this server being considered obviously dead by so many.

Maybe just label one server “Season of Dads” officially for us old boomers lol

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Imagine thinking Blizzard has no data lol, you really think they just woke up this morning and did this for no reason? Holy hell you have some severe cognitive dissonance to work out. You site a couple personal anecdotes and think it over rules blizzards data LOL.

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You’re arguing with a CS troll. You’re not gonna get any rational engagement from it.

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Bc I invested a ton of time on my toons on this server but since I work afternoons there are literally no guilds for me. Im very happy I didnt waste all my time grinding reps on this server and I get to actually raid now.

Except this situation is no where even close to what happened in SOM. Every server besides JOM was dead 1 month into the launch of the season. And by dead I mean less than 150 ppl online with no AH. We had 3 raid teams on alliance and 1 on horde with both sides having no economy at all (nightfall NA).

CB comes nowhere close to this.

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Hell no, I wont go!
Hell no, I wont go!
Hell no, I wont go!


At least world doesn’t feel dead and there’s pvp. Low population servers feel like a solo game

I also recognize this name

Please allow me to get dmf tomorrow in peace aedin :pray:

You were the one pretending to have data, nice deflection though lmfao. How long have you even been in this game if you think blizzard never makes out of touch, questionable decisions?

Cite your sources or your claim is worthless, period.

Blizzard has the data bro lol I love how you are engaging in a super bad faith argument to try and win after you got butt hurt about being objectively wrong lawl.

And can you tell me this alleged data? You are the one claiming data. Where is it? What is it?

The fact that the people who have access to the true hard numbers making the decision to do this? not much of a detective are you.

You are naive if you think blizzard always makes sound decisions in line with what players want. You realize blizzards subs have collapsed from their peak of 12 million, right?

Nice pivot “blizzard make this mistake before, anything they do that I dont like after is due to that reason” get over it bro its over ur bubble has been bursted

You just admitted it yourself, lol. Blizzard makes mistakes, sometimes catastrophic ones.

You are cherry picking decisions you like and saying “everyone else must agree with me and it was backed by data”. And saying the opposite when it’s decisions you don’t like.

Kid, you aren’t the center of the universe. If you are going to claim a decision was backed by good data, you need proof. I’ve yet to see a shred of it from you.

LOL dude if you actually knew what you were talking about you would know how many times servers have been floundering with low pop and people begging for a merge bc they dont want to abandon the toons they worked hard on this is a problem as old as the game and they actually acting quickly and accordingly so people can transition instead of getting to next phase and realize that people cant make consistent 20 mans, the server is completely dead outside of prime time 98% of the time unless its fresh into a new phase.

and tbh you are the one here making the claim the server is alive and well, where is your data? IF pro shows that my opinion is right, with 5 or 6k raiders most being people with 2 or 3 alts so in reality it ends up being like 2.5k raiders… thats low as hell, not to mention most of that being alliance, horde is even worse. I have refuted all your points with data and historical analysis and your retort is I didnt make a slide show with lots of pictures to show you why you are wrong…

I actually brought up low pop servers and the need to merge them lmfao. You realize chaos bolt is medium, not low, right? Massive difference.

Yup, you just repeated the data cited in this thread. I also have data that this was population cap in OG vanilla, and it was fine. There was actual low pop realms with way less players than this, those were the ones that needed merges, not these OG high pop realms. You are completely clueless and it’s hilarious.

Il really walk you through your cognitive dissonance
First: Blizz does this because the server is dying
Two: You comment claiming this is such a bad decision and they are stupid
Three: You claim burden of proof is on others to go against your inital proposal of why blizzard did this?

Also ur argument of “it was like this in OG vanilla” holds literally no water who cares what the game was like 15 years ago, play era if that is your standard.