Blizzards Huge Wpvp/Arena/BG Changes That Fix Everything!

lol, Blizzard def dont care about us that only wanna PVP what were you thinking clicking this post …


You got me. :+1:t3:

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Haaa Swamp Donkeys are in season right now Bullwinkles are good eatin

I know this post was made in jest, but Blizzard actually is changing leveling. People leveling will be in a separate phase from higher levels, so gone are the days of lowbie ganking.

Such a stupid change. The crybabies won.


Wait what? How does that work? Got a link?

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Activating Chromie Time changes the player to a different phase from players outside of it, which causes all quests and objectives from Vanilla through Battle for Azeroth to scale up to level 50.

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weve been preparing for this.

its time to level up a 49 and pimp him out and avoid all max levels from seeking revenge.

that is assuming us max levels cant talk to chromie to jump into those phases with them lol

the ganks will continue

They can not talk to Chromie and jump phases, shall the rage whispers begin because they can not bring their mythic raid geared main!


“why dont you phase out you coward and come fight my main???”

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You can actually still continue ganking as max level in Chromie time, but its not an “intended” method of doing so.

I won’t spoil anything because I want to see how this will play out when prepatch actually hits, but I have the solution! :slight_smile:

Oh no!

What will you do now kekw


That’s not really the point.

A huge part of wow (at least on pvp servers) was always the danger of getting ganked/PvP happening. Some of my fondest wow memories are huge random wpvp skirmishes breaking out over ganking/territory, and shadowlands is looking to take this away entirely. This is a huge, huge, game breaking mistake for a lot of people.

I sincerely hope this does not go live, but if it does, rip wow as most of us know it.


awww man i need to make a friend with a lowbie lol

Party sync and gank away.

You’re so right. Can blizz just toss in a lazy 4 button moveset for each spec with skill shots included so we can pretend we are playing LoL?

I’d take that over pvp talents

Have fun with that one chief, playing around on beta and if you have xp lock you cant use chromie :upside_down_face: so the only way to twink pvp is to leave it on and run away from any mob you aggro

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