Blizzard you're doing fine. There's nothing wrong with loot

Wow, presumptuous much? News flash, your views are not representative of the entire player base.

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lmao ok bud

Speak for yourself.


I don’t like to assume anyone is incapable of reason until they’ve toughly proven it through their own actions.

Except for Human Male Paladins. Those guys are incapable of reason by default.


What you’re asking is for them to break the part of the game that makes people addicted so you can have your time respected. That isn’t going to happen.

The part of the game that makes people addicted should be the fact that it’s a quality product, not shady psychology tactics.


No mate. People don’t wanna invest 20 hours a week running mythics.

And the way the vault is set up is garbage. It should be choice of three items based on your highest content. I.e I run a 10 I should get to choose between 3 10 pieces of gear not have to farm 10 m+ 10s to get that choice.

Loot this expansion is horrendous and caters for hard core players and raiders only. It’s trash and why I’ve already unsubbed


while I like the transition to less loot as its clearly Classic success re-influencing retail (which is a good thing to me). The reasoning you present of “i got 192, its fine” is a fairly… childish to put it nicely.

they dont have to increase the amount of drops at all, but i would argue in the interest of keeping the playerbase engaged… increase the anima received and possibly gold received when you attain no loot in your box.

The Idea of extreme have and have not’s is not healthy in a game that actually relies on a large active community. So i would say leave the loot as is soften the blow in other ways of giving stygia, anima, gold so that people can atleast say “getting closer to purchaing a socket, enchant” when they dont get loot rather than “sucks to be you”.

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HARD work ? you prob die 5secs into a boss fight then get loot while people who slug and carried you got nothing

then you pat yourself on the back and claim ‘’ i got rewarded hurrr’’


No I don’t run instances for anima. I run it for loot. The game is boring without loot. Hours of time invested for no loot is garbage design.

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Or, have the player be rewarded in a manner commensurate to the effort and time spent in the content.

Mythic plus change made sense since it can be farmed ad nauseum. in a raid, where the lockout is weekly, and they ALL READY took bonus rolls (which have existed for nigh a decade), still again reducing the loot moves us into “not respecting the players time and effort”

I am not advocating for increasing loot drops. The drop rate in CN pre-fix, is fine. I am simply saying don’t nerf it. All it will do is enhance the burnout per-tier. Which has become epidemic in WoW.


You just try again. I’m astounded at how radical some of the peoples’ views here are on the game. This is so fundamental to wow’s design that I didn’t think anyone thought differently. You run something. You don’t get it. You run it again. That’s how it’s always worked.

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I was on board with what you were preaching until here. I completely disagree. I think WoW is taking a nose dive. I’m hoping Blizzard pulls up on the controls, like they did in Legion, but I’m not holding my breath.

I take back my derogatory statements about Human Male Paladins.

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I disagree with you, but that was funny I’ll give you that lol

People will complain no matter what. Gearing needed to be scaled back and I’m glad it was.


One system being objectively worse (titanforging) doesnt make the current lack of bad luck protection acceptable.

I’ve noticed a rather irritating habit of players who lucked out with good drops pretending this is somehow indicative of the average player experience and indicative of their skill and effort.

This character has been doing m0 and m+ for one day. She hit 60 on Monday. I did the raid on a whim last night. I have been SHOWERED in loot and have TWO ilvl 200 raid pieces, almost full m0 and m+ pieces in every slot.

Meanwhile, my warlock is still a lower ilvl than her by a significant margin despite extensive effort since release. My husband and friends struggle to reach 180 despite constant mythic grinding. Others in the raid I attended got absolutely nothing.

I wasnt trying harder on this priest. I’ve barely tried at all. There is no inherent skill involved in achieving the ilvl i have in such a hilariously short time period. I was just lucky. Great for me, but this is a system that feels AWFUL, punishing, and unrewarding for those who arent lucky.

Bad luck protection needs to be added yesterday.


The problem is time =/= effort. You can’t give the same rewards to people who spend the same amount of time doing something if that something is of vastly different difficulty.

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What a strange post of pandering. No the loot isn’t fine and don’t speak for everyone with your fan boy flex.


I’m astounded at how radical some of the peoples’ views here are on the game. This is so fundamental to wow’s design that I didn’t think anyone thought differently. You run something. You don’t get it. You run it again. That’s how it’s always worked.

Things are different now. There are too many layers of gameplay, too many tiers of dungeons and Raids to run to not get loot on an entire raid or more than one or two dungeons.