Blizzard, why are you messing with honor gains?

So because it didn’t have boost it’s ok for other things to be broken? Nope. I didn’t choose to have boost. I just am ok with them.

Well I am okay with the Honor nerf, you get what ya deserve. Some changes lead to many changes.

Lol you realize this will be changed. If not I don’t even care. I just got on here and voiced my opinion. You simply came in here because of me and to start more lol. Oh well tho. Doesn’t bother me. Says more about you than I.

Justifying one bad thing to another especially just because of one person, me in this scenario to you, is very childish tbh.

Aww you sound triggered

Nope. Nice try though. Nothing you say to me affects me in any way because I choose to not let it!

Digging into the eu forums I found this is correct, however, we aren’t seeing 20 honor right now, it’s much lower.

Remember. It is split between all players in the area. It isn’t 20 honor to each player.

I think this might be where the issue is stemming from, the range of that split being different. I’m going to have to test this out at 70. Do we have any 70s that can confirm this?

It’s not lower. Get a solo kill while on a level 70 against another level 70 out in the world and you’ll get 20 or 21 honor (20.9 is the level 70 vs 70 value.) All you have to do is look at old TBC videos uploaded in 2007 and you’ll see that the honor was just as awful back then.

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