Blizzard supporting #BLM Is Brave and is good

It isnt the fault of the doctors that the current administration is more interested in saving face before the election and making money for their billionaire pals than keeping people healthy.

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You have no idea who you’re talking to. Have a g’night.

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Anyone arguing against the recommendations of the scientific and medical communities in an epidemic that is out of control is a nutjob.


Do you think Activision Blizzard aren’t part of the system, just like every other Billion Dollar Company?


I know this is a troll thread but man are some of these comments concerning…


“70 percent of cops are wife beaters” Sounds like grade-a bullcrap tbh


^^ I’d hate to even have something so wild in my post history, lol.

Hey it was more like 40 percent overall from a study from 2019? I think 60 percent of them are from the south lol.

Cops are scum where I live. If you don’t think so I don’t care? People protesting for a reason, you agree or not does not matter.

I mean there was a study by the FBI that suggested there was a noticeable white supremacist presence in the police force across the US. Which makes sense, if you know the origin of the police force.

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Sources for any of this stuff you just made up would be great.


I can’t do links? Can’t you like do a google search? Are you that lazy? It is like the easiest thing to find out.

Cause people need reminding,

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First two results in Google.

You realize when you make an assertion and claim it as fact, its your job to provide proof?


An FBI advisory board later found that roughly 40 percent of officers who filled out questionnaires in a number of different settings admitted to being physically violent with their spouse in the previous six months.Jun 2, 2020

I mean come on people. It was not that hard to find.

I think asking if it’s possible to inject disinfectant to combat the virus is only one step above telling people to do it.

I notice there’s a lot of, “He was joking,” and “he didn’t say that” with Trump. Remember when he, “joked” about telling his admin to stop testing so much to make the numbers look better?

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Nah I don’t think so. That is just some dumb logic people use to be lazy and want to say someone is wrong and have them do all the work. Bump that.

Nope, that’s just how credibility works in virtually any environment, ever.


No… the burden of proof is on the person who makes the claim.


The phrase " Just google it" is a red flag.

The reason you need to have a go to source is to allow people to review that source and scrutinize it. Certain studies, and data collected have glaring issues with it.