Blizzard supporting #BLM Is Brave and is good

Um. You can’t do a quick google search yourself to find it? I can’t make links in here.

I just did a quick google and the first thing I found was.

Police Brutality at Home: Cops Abuse Wives and Kids at Staggering Rates

Like do you people live under a rock?

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Blizzard cant even be bothered to care about their community, let alone the black community.

Saying that you believe that Black Lives Matter is one thing. Showing that you believe that is something else entirely. Blizzard has not shown it. They’re just doing a PR move.


This thread is going places.

Fun to watch people kick a beehive while I stand on the sidelines with my :popcorn:.


You all do realize that the OP just lit a tinder box and went silent right?



Relax transmog restrictions!


Not last I checked. Also what sources, or is this another sensationalism clickbait?

My bet is on the latter. There is bad cops out there, and they do need to be dealt with as individuals, but it’s been shown repeatedly that people and the lamestream media LOVE to try to find any excuse to demonize cops.

Bad cops are the overwhelming minority, stop believing everything you see on the internet.


maybe? I don’t know what is true or not. The media could be lying, I’m just stating from what I saw, and how cops act around where i live. They have a chip, many of them cause problems, and with the lack of training, and how much schooling you need to be a cop. They are dumb as bricks, and act aggressive.

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I know this is bait but BLM is a political org. All monies go to the DNC and then, CCP eventually.


Honestly I’m expecting this thread to be locked and/or deleted by tomorrow morning so eh, I’ve said my peace and made my points. That’s all I came here to do.

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Spoken like someone who has had very few, if any, experiences with the police.


You’re correct however you don’t have the popular facts so expect nonsense to come your way.

This world is becoming more and more absurd by the day.


Well i can clearly see you are clueless. You are typical person who thinks because where they live and have decent cops that is the normal for every state.

Did I not just say where I live? I spoke about my area, and you think you know more than me? Speak for yourself and not me ok?

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Indeed it is, really I’m figuring it’s only a matter of time before something gives and society implodes under the weight of it’s own stupidity.


I am alarmed by the cancel culture that movements like BLM are propagating.


They’re going off of the reaction to the protests, moreso their own experiences. I don’t even live in the US, but our police still has a problem with differential treatment - just this time with Natives.

Imagine unironically watching Tim Pool lmao yikes

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This I agree with, especially when they go after people for comments they made a decade ago.


Oddly enough, thats what the left says about things they don’t like either. And not everyone who is Progressive, just some same with Conservatives.

Also many other threads about this already.

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