Blizzard: Suggestion for Bricking New Botter Accounts

Sounds good in theory. Makes zero sense in practice. You think they’re not regularly offloading their gold? Botting accounts get banned all the time, its a matter of when not if So they offload constantly and they’d notice almost instantly when the mail system didn’t work.

Nothing is impossible when you’re not the one doing it.

You have absolutely zero idea what you’re talking about…

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“It’s impossible to deal with commercial bot operations”

Thanks for your non-contribution.

Nothing is impossible, it’s a question of will to do it, and a willingness for collateral damage. Range ban known VPN end points, and ip ranges that were assigned to countries outside server regions. You might hit a small handful of legitimate players, but you’d hit way more bots.

Sue state side bot operations into oblivion, just like they did with glider. Old blizzard might have done it, but nu-blizzard would be worried about being called some ist word. So they stick to ban waves that are just a small cost of doing business to the bots, and a fresh metric of new people buying into the game.

Based on history thus far it pretty much is.

You have no idea what you’re talking about.

See above. Also… you really think their legal team is holding back on litigating because they’re afraid of being called racist? this is an exceptionally bad take, even for these forums

A will to do it isn’t the only problem here. It’s also a matter of how realistic and cost-effective your solutions are. Which is specifically why I’m asking for them to implement a system that stops it before it happens rather than wasting precious time having humans looking into reports.

Blizzard seems AFK right now due to Dragonflight, but even when they’re not totally absent, their solutions have not been working.

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