Blizzard stop telling us to reroll


When they put out those messages, they are not talking directly to YOU personally. So don’t feel compelled to keep server hopping. They are talking to the community in GENERAL, and specifically to those stuck on high pop realms with queue problems.

Not sure this should need to be explained, but since you started your own forum post …


Hmmm … okay, I’m not gonna tell you to reroll …

(But really, you should consider it)

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That’s the problem, they need to be talking to people who are on high servers specifically. That’s how you spread out your populations. They need to open up server xfers.

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Agreed, this is an MMO. I want to play my main character that was created during the name reservation period and logged in to the server at 3pm on launch day. I want to keep those memories and have that be part of my WoW Classic experience forever.

I don’t want to reroll a new main that wasn’t “there” on day 1 on some random low pop server that’s going to be dead in 3 months.

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They warned you. You ignored them. It’s your fault. They do not owe you a transfer. You can reroll, or deal with it. The longer you put it off, the worse it will be.

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Nope, they warned me, I listened, I went to a low pop server when they opened it, and now it’s packed because of launch.


I rerolled on a realm they made on launch day. The worse the queues get are 10 minutes. There are servers with 1000 minute queues that take priority over 10.

That’s great you got lucky. There are also server they created on launch day that are currently full as well. Don’t be a cynic because you got lucky and didn’t have your server full and others did. I didn’t have much servers to choose from when I made my character.

Actually the community warned Blizz they were going to fail first with so few servers to begin with. There are people out there that have already rerolled 2 & 3 times, it’s beyond BS at this point.

Until they allow server xfers, I’ll keep making them

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I agree, they needed more servers. Still do. They also warned they would not provide transfers. People demanding transfers for their level 15 characters are crazy. Their best shot is to reroll on one of the new servers blizzard is releasing tomorrow. But instead they will play the victim fully and continue to create posts for free transfers instead of taking their destiny into their own hand.

This is a lie they 100% said server transfers were on the table early on.

You either know this and are just lying off your butt or you’re out of the loop, so don’t go around acting like you aren’t

You be you, bro. Don’t forget to post support in all the OTHER threads complaining about queues, layers, transfers, shards (or lack thereof.)

Oh I’m doing both don’t you worry.

From the developer Q&A posted the 20th of August. Specifically regarding hi pop realms:

[Q: Will you offer free realm transfers if servers get way overpopulated after launch? ]
A: This is definitely one of the options we are considering. But for now, we are encouraging players to use the name reservation period to transfer their characters to lower population realms.

[Q: On the Herod and Shazzrah servers, assuming population stays like it currently is, can you provide some rough idea of what you expect the minimum time in queue to be at launch? Can you elaborate in any way on some on the expected queue lengths (preferably in length of time) at launch? ]

A: On the most popular servers, such as Herod and Shazzrah, we are currently estimating lengthy queue times - up to several hours or more in certain instances. That is why we strongly encourage players to use the name reservation period to transfer their characters and their guilds to lower pop realms.

Notice how I’m on neither of those realms. When I made this character this server was low pop


Wow such an original post. It’s like no one else is posting about the same thing and getting the same responses.

It’s almost like they should open up server transfers or something

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Blizzard sold a name reservation service that cost people money. To reroll is to

  1. lose that name

  2. lose 30 levels of progress (at least that’s where the majority of my guild is at this point).

Open character migration. It’s not hard. They’ve done it before.

I’m not rerolling. I created characters as soon as I was able, and ended up recreating them on another server because Blizz advised it. Now I’m being told “if you don’t want a queue, reroll again.” This process is just going to continue until they get it through their heads that people want to play Classic. Part of me still believes they’re legitimately amazed and scratching their heads about why so many people want to play it.

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