Blizzard Stop Allowing People To Kick

Tell me what the heck do you think would happen in a group of 5 if 4 people wanted the 5th person gone and they could not.

There is no violation of the ToS if someone gets kicked.

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Legally you can.

You would not get much out of it. Other than Bad PR for the company for violating their own TOS.

That’s exactly why the system was made. Is it perfect? of course not. There will always be jerks and jerks will always find a way to abuse the system.

However, it does give us the power to deal with the Mouth, with the Tank who refuses to slow down in spite of the fact he’s wiping the goup, the DPS who keeps pulling adds because he is trolling the group 
 the list of jerks it lets us get rid of is endless.

Just flag this post as trolling and be done with it. The OP is obviously stuck in his own little world.

Like I said, refusing to listen to the facts. Someone posted a support link, official Word of God from Blizzard, their stance on kicking. They do not consider it a violation. So unless you’re willing to take them to court and sue them 


Very true.

They need some system in place. I have use the kick system. Does not change the fact without clear rules players are using not with in blizzards design.

No one can say blizzard does not care if you miss use the system to kick players for harassment reasons.

I have been guiltily of click the stupid window because where it is placed. It should not be in the middle of the damn screen during combat.

You got kicked - if you think you have a legal case go talk to a lawyer. I would sort of like to be a fly on the wall for that conversation though.

Dear lawyer, I want to file suit because a group of players were mean to me and kicked me from a dungeon in a game.


They also state that you don’t own your account and they can take any action against it that they so choose, and experience may vary.

How long are you gonna sit here trying to avoid the truth?

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They could decide, right now, to close my account. For good. They don’t have to even give a reason. Obviously doing so could be a PR nightmare, but they have every legal right to stop dealing with me as a customer.

If you’re a gnome I automatically initiate a kick.

Which might be the problem with IE’s

It’s really easy for two jerks two find each other and work together, but really hard for three or more to work together.

No argument. But I’m sure the same thing happened back during Scenarios in Mists.

Still, imagine if you’re ready to do an IE and one guy decides to be a tool and just sits down because “I don’t like this Island.”

Without a kick system, your only choice is to leave and join a new one.

They should just give me the power to solo kick. :japanese_ogre:

Had an illidan player just sit on the boat (prob a gold farmer)
 Took forever for the protection to go away to kick him.

Multiple times this week I’ve had people put me on follow early into the Island Expedition.

If I cant /votekick then what are my alternatives?

There is no perfect system. Because every system is made by imperfect beings.

And yes, that sucks. I wish there was a better answer. But jerks are numerous. If you don’t have votekick, 1 jerk can ruin the game for 2 to 24 other people. If you do have votekick, you run the risk of a group of jerks deciding they don’t like you.

Either way, you can’t win. So they went with what they saw as the least harmful option. I don’t want a return to the day of one player deciding “I won’t participate! remove me from the group!” and wasting EVERYONE’S time. Only for them to repeat the process for the NEXT group they join.

I still don’t understand how someone could be kicked enough that they need to make a post to ask for the removal of the “vote to kick” feature. I have been kicked maybe 4-5 times since this feature has been implemented and i must admit a couple of times i may have deserved it. But and please take no offense OP but if you are being kicked that often you may be the issue or just have really, really bad luck with grouping.

Got kicked out of an Argus LFR despite doing anothing wrong, this character being an alt (she was my free BFA boost) and I had AotC a few weeks after it came out on my main character. On my main I have done the fight on heroic so many items.

I was in LFR to get gear for this character, the other tank was from Quel’Thalas didn’t speak English didn’t do the tank swap mechanic properly. Now if I was an overgeared tank with a lot of heroic / mythic gear I wouldn’t need to do a tank swap but since a new alt that isn’t geared you have to actually do the mechanics right even in LFR.

We wiped a couple times cause the other tank wouldn’t do the swap.

Some loud guy kept spamming chat with “KICK BOTH OF THE TANKS KICK BOTH OF THE TANKS” I was explaining to them in the raid chat the other guy wasn’t taunting to do the tank swap mechanic and that’s why we were wiping and before you know it I am kicked.

So yea I don’t think the vote to kick feature works well.

I don’t mind the kick option. Either you’re kicking some guy doing nothing or you get kicked by an idiot that doesn’t what they’re doing. I was kicked out of an IE group because, “You keep attacking alliance and you don’t attack alliance to win.” When I was kicked, I was thankful. Then I went to a group that attacked alliance, killed them, and finished much faster as Alliance fell behind AP farming. Some people have no idea how to run islands.

If you are getting kicked often enough that it is becoming annoying maybe it’s a you problem. I have been kicked from an island adventure once and I run them regularly on three characters. I have only seen maybe three other people kicked. people put up with a lot of stupid and lazy and just go about getting the island adventure done.

Related but slightly off topic: Blizz please make an untimed adventure mode that doesn’t auto end the island adventure as soon as you meet the win condition