Blizzard sitting on there hands!

People wanted Classic because they knew it’d probably lead to TBC/WOTLK, which it has. A lot of us literally suffered through Classic Vanilla to get to TBC, and I’m sure a lot of people are suffering through TBC waiting for WOTLK.

So is Oldschool Runescape, and it literally revitalized an entire community that RS3 lost. OSRS has still managed to keep is oldschool feel while constantly doing updates, and adding new content. A lot of that content is almost a copy/paste from RS3, because its good content, it just wasn’t in the game that the players wanted to play.

Its difficult to lose an argument, but I respect this.

You won’t be able to…

Unless you purchase the Cataclysm Survivor Pack, which includes an instant boost to 80, so you can get right into the Cataclysm that sundered Azeroth! Just pay $39.99

Next, you’ll need to purchase the Mist-ic Pack, which includes an instant boost to 85, so you can lose yourself in the rich culture of Pandaria. Just pay (another) $39.99

Act NOW! You don’t want to be stuck on Azeroth, when your friends travel to Draenor…right!

Lol. So angry.

Regardless of expansion, don’t act the purist if you can’t play the part.

No, it was a GREAT game. Still is.


Yup. I wasn’t sure if that person was a troll, but a statement like that makes it very obvious. Vanilla was such a great game Blizz re-released 15 years later there was so much demand.

And this silly statement of how it didn’t take long into Classic for people to realize it sucked is ridiculous. Classic was a huge hit from start to finish. Just another troll who can’t fathom anything outside their own personal bias.

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I know you’re trying to be facetious here, but there’s nothing wrong with the boost. It really has helped a lot of people play with their friends when they have limited time, as we adults tend to have an issue with.

Its subjective of course, but was is the keyword here. It was a great game back in 2005. Its subpar for todays standards, because it lacked any and all quality of life features.

Not trolling at all. Try playing any hybrid class in Vanilla and see how bad your experience is. Its god awful, one of the worst experiences in any MMO I’ve ever played, and others feel the same. Imagine playing a game where half the classes aren’t viable, and only one spec in each class is viable of the viable classes. Imagine doing a raid and at least half of the gear is so poorly itemized that it just gets DE’d or vendored because its not good for anyone. There’s literally an item thats widely known as Vendorstrike.

20 minute flight paths.
Not enough viable quests to get you to 60 without a substantial amount of grinding.
Terrible PvP system.
World buffs.
Zones that have little to no content.
Little to no replayability on alts due to said issues above, and the vast amount of time it takes to level.
Extreme class imbalance.

This list could literally go on for a while, but I don’t feel that its necessary.

What Vanilla did right.

Great open world and exploration.
Memorable dungeons.
Feeling of class identity and lore.
Sense of community.
Great story line (but you have to look for it).

I’m sure there’s more positives for things that Vanilla did right, but it pales in comparison to the negative.

Yeah? Then go play retail and get this crap outta here LOL


No, they aren’t.

Gotta say reading this just screams elitist, and is completely just an opinion you have. You act like people didn’t use any of the other gear or were able to beat the raids with them. Just because you and the people you played with made the game so serious you thought it was a job, doesn’t mean everyone thought that way.

And I loved playing paladin from vanilla to todays retail. Paladin and druid are 2 of my 3 favorite classes in vanilla.


No where did I say you didn’t. Obviously people cleared things during vanilla. I’ve always played feral druid and I enjoy all 3 of the hybrid melee classes/specs. They were just poorly designed during vanilla, and even without the ‘elitism’ you’re speaking of, you can definitely feel how much of a hindrance you are to a raid group.

Some people are okay with being mediocre, and thats fine. There’s nothing wrong with it. I enjoy playing games and being as good as I possibly can at them. Difficult content is one thing, but when the games inherent poor design is also a challenge, its a bad game.

This is probably true, as the mindset these days seems to be more suited to MoP or WoD. Not completely borrowed power and WoW Tokens, but more LFR and easy alts.

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This is already in game, just type /pvp and you are flagged for pvp combat and it will fall off after 5 mins of inactivity. I’m sorry you chose wrong and rolled on the PvP server for TBC.

Oh no nonoo…

I meant it that Blizzard wouldn’t just let you skip Expansions, like doing Wrath, skipping Cata, then transferring (using the free one-time ‘Choose your expansion’) to MoP.

((I used the 58 Boost on both of my accounts to boost alts. So I fully endorse its use.))

I ganked someone for 2 hours for thinking he was funny to drop a freezing trap on me while I was fishing. So what? Your fault being on a pvp server if you can’t handle it.

Besides you’re a pally sounds like you’re just bad if you can’t reach a safe zone before 6 hours. Especially from a level 50 who got same mount speed as you.

We don’t have to cope for you.

Thank you all that replied, to some points I agree and see where some of you are coming from and others as usual not constructive at all.

Firstly, I never, never asked for retail I’m asking to play a version of TBC for today.

Zirene says it very well in this video @ 59:30

I want to play the best version of TBC and Wotlk, not the most authentic. Make the changes to make the game healthier and fix things that didn’t work!

Cheers to all who read my post and provided feedback

Yeah, that’s just fine. Pvp on a pvp server. Except that happening so often is what caused the mass exodus to single faction pvp servers. The end result of that type of pvp on a pvp server was almost no pvp servers or pvp at all. Is that what you wanted?

This is why they dont do anything. You start out with elitest comments about how you will scan peoples logs before inviting to BT. I am not a fan of removing attunements, but it is a very minor issue. You must be a gear score checker in wotlk. This is a game made for pre teens. It is a very new palyer friendly game. In other words, its easy. You happen to be an above average player so you dont want others to have what you do?

I stopped reading after your pvp on/off idea. That is the main downfall of retail. I am all for server mergers and cross realm zones. But do not combine pve and pvp and then take away the pvp. Who would turn on pvp? That kind of gameplay is already accomplished with bgs.

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