Blizzard says 80%+ will quit and that's why layering is needed

Standing around taking 30 mins to kill 5 boars…



Except that the OP nailed the point of Layering flawlessly; it’s literally there to make sure server populations stay healthy after presumably 50 to 80% of the players quit playing.

That’s factually the point he made, I see no fault in it.

However where layering may come to bite them is when the population GROWS past Phase 2 and they’re forced to divide servers because of massive over population.

That’s a real problem that layering does not prevent and actually in some ways makes worse.


First of all, there is zero chance for that happening. I have been on the beta servers since the first day and the population of the two servers has plummeted since then. The pve server is particularly hard off.

Second, if some miracle causes 100% player retention then opening up new servers to accommodate them is far less destructive than merging servers.


Says someone invested in Classic.

A BfA player who will be there at launch, will leave soon after. That’s what layering is for.


Seems every swinging dk in here has an opinion. Blizzard has made an investment, the decision is theirs.

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Like I said, it’s impossible for the BfA community to accept the possibility of Classic succeeding because if Classic doesn’t die then that means retail dies instead


While I completely disagree with this statement’s premise, because they’re completely different games and its not a zero sum world, Classic is going to succeed, just not capture every single person that looks at it.


Thats no more than speculation. And so what? They can easily make more servers for people to make new characters on but not get rid of servers and just delete all the progress made on that server because after a month: barely anyone plays on it anymore.

While I don’t care for layering, I have yet to hear a better solution for the problem that’s realistic to implement.

Keeping in mind that “do nothing” was never an option. They literally said on day 1 that they weren’t aiming to replicate the launch experience.

Having to play server lottery and potentially needing to throw away a level 60 character because I rolled on what became a dead server is not something they consider an acceptable solution.


He said it was there to keep people happy so they wont quit, making layering pointless. It isn’t to make people happy. It is so that we get the feel of playing on a vanilla capped server while allowing more than a vanilla cap worth of players to be on the server so that when the tourists quit we are left with a server worth of players.

Layering isn’t a problem here, if this happens, they would do exactly what they did during vanilla when it was growing…release another server.

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Server queues work fine for all successful games. People who are just checking it out leave quickly. Then players deal with an hour queue for a week. Then everything stablizes.


Blizzard said a lot of things, don’t mean they’re true. My favorite is. “You think you do but you don’t” and “Don’t you guy’s have phones?!”


And because people will quit because there’s no way that Classic will hold the attention of people who still enjoy BfA’s gameplay. Of which there are a couple of million people still.


Server queues aren’t a solution for population drop-off due to tourists.

What do you do if a server dies and ends up with a population of 200 players at any given time?


Well… objectively we do.

You aren’t wrong.

It is a catch 22 Damned if we do, Damned if we don’t

That’s totally irrelevant.

Let’s say you have 5 servers. You can give them layers, or you can give them a queue. If you give them layers, then everyone who would have been waiting in queue can play, but they’re divided into phases. If you have queues, then everyone playing is in the same phase, but lots of people have to wait in line.

Tourists will not wait in a queue to ‘check it out’. They’ll go do something else. People who really want to play, will wait in a queue.

Is waiting an hour really that bad? I can think of several great games as of recent that had opening day queues and they’re still going strong.


And long queues of paying customers unable to use the time that they paid for, is considered a failure in modern business.


That and get people to move off over populated servers with transfers.

OR they can simply divide the “servers” by layer and find a good way to make the layers feel like real individual servers with as little cross over between layers as possible.

Exactly, if they fail to use layering and open a ton of servers to accommodate the masses then it’s almost a certainty that the population will decrease some how leaving them with dead or crippled servers.

IF they use layering then the servers will unavoidably grow like a weed and then they have new problems.


That’s strange, because literally every successful game dealt with initial server queues where people wait an hour to play - then it stabilizes.