Blizzard’s LGBT representation sucks

Imagine having romanceable companions that become obsolete with a new expansion and so you dump them


I was just thinking about this! Like you go through 4 expansions of effort and they die for the plot in the 5th expansion?

Tables would be flipped.

Hey man survival of the fitness

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Sorry it’s not you it’s blizzards horrible standards of writing that consistently bench and abandon actual interesting characters in favor of much less interesting ones.

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This is a very important lesson that I personally had to learn the hard way.

I mean, it should be obvious, but for some reason I didn’t understand until it was explained to me that when you start saying “I know people will bring their torches and pitchforks at me because they’re too sensitive”

Then it sounds like you actually want everyone to get mad at you, and you weren’t here for a civil discussion, whether that is the case or not.

It’s a shame that a thread with tough criticism on Blizzards lack of creativity in relationships was deleted. Not even closed, just deleted…

What was the art? I’m not big on shipping but Flynn and Shaw would be amazing. They already have really fun chemistry. The two would be a great recurring pairing.

Quick Google search and saw this art someone did and it just oozes their fun relationship.

Very serious response:

Interacting in a larger community takes practice! The best thing you can do is go ‘that did not go over at all how I want, let me look at my decision tree…’
Option1: Back down. "Hey guys, my bad. I didn’t mean to ruffle feathers. This doesn’t mean that I don’t understand now why you are upset. I am sorry.
Option2: Double down. “Lol, look at these nerds. Get a thicker skin or u will never make it m8.”

If I die, delete my browser history. I’ve been writing a lot of chapters lately and I am afraid the FBI will think I am a serial killer.


I’m not even surprised that it was deleted.

Hell i won’t be surprised when this thread is eventually deleted.

Row, row, fight the power.

Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of our time.

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Those are very succinct points, Karmas, thank you for taking the time. Now, whether anybody will apply those points is anybody’s guess. And that’s none of my business.

Oh damn!

family guy monkey pointing

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Oh no the people those points are meant for are going to directly ignore them in favor of playing devils dipspit and “Well AKSHULLYING” us to death.

It’s more of a formality really.

It’ll really boil down to this, and read my disclaimer.

DISCLAIMER: At some point, in 100+ texts, two groups will emerge. Groups that read the first 100 posts and are dying to reply to those and skip over the remainder to the end and post their take. Groups that skip immediately to the end and jump on the train of the last 10 posts and take whichever side they feel is correct.

I don’t begrudge any group at that point because it can be a full time job to read a bunch of crap posting.


I hope you dont mind, but to help avoid this I quoted your list in the OP!

I certainly don’t and commend you on your bravery.

I, however, would like to formally announce my candidacy for First Heterophobe.


As a basic concept I’m cool with using RP to represent something the game doesn’t. Just, you know, I expect those things to be niche or outside the overall tone/scope of the setting. An entire rainbow flag of lives and relationships is neither of those things.

Also FWIW, I follow Christie Golden on Twitter, and she pretty clearly likes non-canon stuff on the reg.

If i wasnt supposed to fall in love with the gilblin companions what were they for

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It wasn’t the “liking” that makes this a bad move, its that, unless im mistaken, she said something that implied the shaw/flynn shipping was canon.

Theres a long history of writers claiming that they have LGBT couples in their book/movie/game/whatver and then not actually including them. J.K. Rowling for example.

This is one type of what is commonly known as “queerbaiting”, and its just a really bad look.

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Sometimes love isn’t mutual, Lyzettie. But if you keep trying, maybe one day they will come to love you back.