Well, they could have fed one to the wolves. This isn’t global hacking issues, this is so minor compared to anything on that level. Easy to sacrifice a few to save the legal trouble.
Probably a good cautionary tale to women to stop sharing nudes with untrustworthy people. Or having relationships you may not want because it can advance your career.
How come that isn’t an option? We’ve all seen this before right? Or are all women just inherently good?
So you don’t know what a sentence fragment is either child, got it. If you wanna get all grammar geekboy, you wanna proof read my graduate thesis in comp sci I did at Cal 19 years ago?
Ooof. (bye felicia)

Thank you, Tucker Carlson.

Well, Blizzard doesn’t love it there. They are moving to Texas where they can freely harass women.

Because Obama was temporary, but the conservative neurosis over California is forever.

It’s not a minority
Factually incorrect. Even the majority of conservatives disagree with you.

Value logic and reason / gather evidence
Why are you lying? You don’t value reason at all.
The state of California did gather evidence for 2 years. 2 years of their work is the reason for what’s happening now.

whatever superiority trash yours are made of…
Such a unreasonable snowflake. Can’t handle disagreement and you are ignoring facts.

A woman is dead. Let’s find out what happened.
The state of California already knows.

Is that what I am doing, door knob?
Yes fragile snowflake…no need to feel inferior. How more confident. Don’t be such a snowflake.

Ooof. (bye felicia)
Buh bye, door knob.

because it can advance your career.
How come that isn’t an option
What a sick world view you have.

it can advance your career.
You’re an absolutely garbage human being.
I realize you haven’t been in the workforce, but I have seen this happen in multiple companies. You think this is not common? I guess some prefer to look at life through the Disney lens and not reality.
Aww poor thing, you gonna stomp around and throw a tantrum?
Right? They are garbage humans. It’s like, just be good at you job. I’m glad you agree!

I realize you haven’t been in the workforce
Wrong child. I worked even in leading positions. Not that this would matter. Blizzard went against Calis laws lamo.
Oh I know it’s common in some messed up companies in the U.S. Not in every sector. You think that’s an excuse? Lamo.
Never have kids.

You’re an absolutely garbage human being.
Indeed. Jolts views towards women are trash.

I realize you haven’t been in the workforce, but I have seen this happen in multiple companies. You think this is not common? I guess some prefer to look at life through the Disney lens and not reality.
Except it’s NOT common. Do some women AND men do this? Yes.
But claiming it’s common, and it somehow defends this garbage behavior, only shows how ignorant and uninformed you truly are about today’s workplace.
Why do you capitalize the “w” in women? Must not be an agenda thing. It’s common amongst incels to overvalue things they don’t have.
And my fiancé would disagree that I hate women. Also, it isn’t “parts of the US”, it is all over the US. Some women have flaws kiddo, you’ll figure that out. Some men do too. It’s not out of bounds to infer this lady was in a relationship she didn’t want to be in (if it did in fact drive her to suicide) and the motives of why she was in the relationship are suspect to me.
Or I can take your view of “men bad women good” and put no thought whatsoever into it.

Factually incorrect. Even tha majority of conservaties disagree with you.
Factually…your ‘factually’. Not a conservative, not an American. Stop projecting.

Why are you lying? You don’t values reason at all.
Lying about? You just made up a statement.

You don’t values reason at all.
Your point of view.

The state of California did gatjer evidence for 2 years. 2 yearsof their work is the reason for what’s happening now
It’s not the ‘State of California’. It’s an ‘agency in the State of California’. There is a difference.

Such a unreasonabe snowflake. Can’t handle disagreement and you are ignoring facts.
If it comes from a doorknob like you, I doubt it matters very much.

The state of California already knows.
It’s not the ‘State of California’. It’s an ‘allegation’ made by an ‘agency in the State of California’. An allegation is not evidence. They need to see if there is evidence. Learn legal terms.

Yes fragile snowflake…no need to feel inferrior. How more confident. Don’t be such a snowflake.
Sure, doorknob. Ya, I will take the value of my character, by comparing myself to someone who cannot critically think for themselves. Sounds just swell…

Aww poor thing, you gonna stomp around and throw a tantrum?
And you are?
To deny it shows that you live in a fantasy land. Get a real job, watch it happen.
I have to wonder, assuming I can take you serious here, what do you think common means in this example? Surely you don’t infer that I mean 50% right? I’m gonna give you some credit.
Also, point out where this happens with men for me. I have not seen this once in my life. Perhaps I am missing something. Throw out some examples of you can.

To deny it shows that you live in a fantasy land. Get a real job, watch it happen.
Where did I deny it? Can you read?

Do some women AND men do this? Yes.
Are you comprehending now, little boy?
You’re an embarrassment to men everywhere, and if your fiancé was smart, she would run away from you and find a man that respects her.
Because you clearly think all women are just pigs that sleep their way to the top.

To deny it shows that you live in a fantasy land. Get a real job, watch it happen.
What kind of industry do you work in where that’s common? I work in finance have have been a supervisor and not once have had any even remotely inappropriate relations with my female subordinates.
Show me where I said “All women sleep to the top”. I’ll wait. I see you have no argument. I knew you couldn’t be taken serious. Beat it.