Blizzard reads the room, does it anyway

Uh huh :rofl:

What Bobby does is irrelevant to the point you made.

The point you made is that Blizzard is ‘putting this stuff out instead of fixing the issues with the game’ to which multiple people have pointed out that the art team and the team that fixes the bugs and issues are not the same people.

Your response to that was to say that, they all get paid by Blizzard…

Which, yeah, that’s true, but that doesn’t mean the art team has the knowledge or skills to fix the bugs and issues with the game, unless those issues are related to art, which they’re not.

The coders do not seem to be able to test the code before it goes live, find all the bugs and eliminate them before the game becomes utterly unplayable.

The people creating the art and model assets have never been under the accusatory thumb of the players. The story team, the coding team, the balance team, and the gear design team are some, possibly all, of the ones the players take issue with over time.

The issue is that those Developers that are supposed to help the game’s livelihood, it’s playability, its player retention, the story conveyance and presentation teams…

Those are the people that have failed WoW.

Blizzard does not regard this as an issue.

That’s more the problem here.

That just proves you know zero about how blizzard prioritizes it’s funding. :roll_eyes:

haven’t followed up but even coca cola had some board peeps angling to get bobby off there too.

even for profit companies are trying to ditch relations lol. don’t even want actiblizz peeps associated with boards even.

Again, funding is irrelevant to the point you made.

And to be honest, unless you have access to Blizzard’s books (which you don’t), there’s no way you know how Blizzard is funded, which areas of the company, if any, get more or less funding than others etc.

So stick to what you know, which… at this point obviously isn’t much other than how to be a smug troll, but, you do you.

No matter how many times you type that, you still can’t make it true. You are clueless as to how businesses and their priorities work, you have made that amply clear. So stick to what you know, which is pretty much nothing. :rofl:

Blizzard is more focused on sexually assaulting their own female coworkers and making store pets and mounts. And they wonder why the playerbase is toxic towards them.

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Well I tried… time for you to go on the ignore list with all the other trolls. Have a nice day.

The only pet I ever considered buying was the Lil Ragnaros pet that doubled as a cooking fire. But now that they’ve trained me not to care about cooking anymore, there’s no reason to buy any.

you may think you know “the room”


the most common opinion of certain topics will come from those that never speak on the forums, never watch a single twitch stream or youtube video of wow, never find their way to any meaningful content whatsoever and have 0 contact with others inside of this game

and there are hundreds of thousands of these players.

“the room” is a bubble that makes you think you have an understanding of what most wow players are like. and your understanding will always be way off the mark, cause you’re expectations for “the most common type of WoW player” are way too high. you gotta lower those standards, especially for the WoW community haha.

blizz goes over the data on these store pets. if they sell like hotcakes, blizz will continue to pump them out.

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They literally haven’t.

All they’ve done is reduce Kruul’s health by a small amount on a couple of specs.

Any other nerfs they’ve done have been buffs. The one they did last night made the Twins Challenge borderline impossible, as if you had been reading the forums, you’d know.

They rolled back one “nerf” because it was proven to be a buff.

If only I could “like” this more than once!

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The pet doesn’t have anything to do with the Mage Tower. I highly doubt that this is some nefarious scheme to make the player base forget about it. I’m pretty sure it’s exactly what it looks like. A cute pet that you can have for your character if you buy it from the online shop.

I’m not generally a fan of microtransactions in a subscription game but honestly this is pretty tame. There’s no trick here. If you like the pet, buy it and enjoy it. If you don’t, then don’t. There doesn’t need to be any deeper meaning than that.

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One thing has nothing to do with the other. It’s not like the art team was going to be doing the balancing of MT anyways. This already was work completed and probably had a release date set months ago. Just because some game content is “too difficult” doesn’t mean all other work has to be held up.

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I am really liking the bright colors they’ve been using in the newer mounts and pets we have seen. These have been standing out very well and are appealing.

:nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:

Unlike you, who only virtue signals on the WoW forums to make yourself feel like you’ve ever done anything.

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“If those devs could read, they’d be very upset!”

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That is the very definition of a nerf. Again, they didn’t nerf the encounters as much as you’d like. But they have issued nerfs.

The mage tower is suppose to be hard. They will likely never nerf it to the point someone can ignore mechanics or ignore trying to get better/better gear.

:rofl: I was going to say that is quite a lot of drama but then I just realized what server you on are. Merry Christmas :christmas_tree:!