Blizzard Raising Open World Ilvl from 246 to 252 - Casuals Rejoice

you much remember it badly. Yes you’re right it has a 445 ilvl weapon cache in 8.3 if you get you’re toon around 440 ilvl. And it’s like you said normal raid ilvl. Like what you’re getting in ZM. So what’s the issue?

So…almost the same as all of shadowlands?

197 in 9.0 (3 item levels under normal)

233 in 9.1 (7 item levels above normal)

252 in 9.2 (same item level as normal)

This would be like people complaining in Wrath that they could “only” daily quest to a full set of 251 ICC10 gear. That would “only” be 19 item levels above the 3 new ICC heroic dungeons for questing

Uh …

So why am I remembering it badly, again? I never said it dropped at 445 from the start, just like ZM won’t scale to 252 right away.

The issue is there’s no 252 weapons from Zereth Mortis. It drops everything BUT weapons.

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My dude, my only complaint is about the lack of a weapon. That’s it. The overall ilvl is great.

Weapons, that’s it. Give me a 252 weapon–heck, give me a 246 weapon–at the end of this thing and we’re golden.

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No lack of weapons in LFR, mythic and everything above…

True. But I don’t want to do those.

Sort of like how people who do want to do those keep complaining about how Blizzard makes them grind world content for sockets and stuff.

Just let people get the things from the stuff they want to do.


I don’t see any rejoicing here.

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A big issue indeed. WoW devs are shameless in their efforts to punish casuals (for not bringing raiding metrics up) and force them into the same content as the hardcores.

LFR item level is going to be 239. Honor PvE item level is going to be 242. Mythic Zero item level is going to be 236. It’s still going to feel lacking unless you get into more hardcore premade content.

Hardcores already have 252 weapons going into 9.2. Even if weapons are excluded from the cypher system, devs could easily put a 252 weapon reward in the final campaign quest, or as an exalted reward with the new rep, by which time the hardcores will be well above 252.

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You want the rewards you do the content. Also if your not doing any of the raids or m+ you dont need the ilvl in the open world to farm bears faster or whatver else needs farming.

Put a 252 weapon reward somewhere in Zereth Mortis, and people that want the reward can do the content.

Hardcores will complain that a 252 weapon is “invalidating” their 265+ weapons, so let them do the world content, too, just so that they can vendor or shard the weapon.

“You want the rewards, you do the content” should go both ways….rather than cater to the hardcores until they are all that is left.


I am gonna skip this Patch. I skipped 8,3 so this is nothing new.

I have one level 60. He does not want nor need the gear. Not raiding or PvP. He hates campaigns and questing in a new zone. So he is gonna continue doing what he has been doing for the past year. Fishing and Cooking Daily Quests (for gold) and helping out all my low level characters I am currently working on. He is also my gold making toon. Plays the AH like a commodities trader. Darn good at it too. 500K in January.

I also deleted 4 level 60’s this week. No point in re-hashing already completed content.

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Why don’t we stop iLvl increases for raiders, too, and just have Normal, Heroic, and Mythic raids with more complex mechanics, but tuned to LFR item levels and all with the same LFR item level rewards? Then raiders won’t “need” their item levels, either!

MMOs need gear progression, or people won’t stay subbed to the same patch for months.

And maybe casuals want to pull 5 bears at a time instead of pulling them one by one and needing to stop to eat?


Anyone with the ability to read can see that this is just more scraps for a longer grind.

If they really want to impress players, they can gives us all flying for free on the patch release.


I do find that 6-9 hours per day fishing is time well spent. 7 days a week.

I’ve had pretty much the same idea.

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Then don’t get a weapon. It’s as simple as that.

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What about the casual beer league guilds and groups that spend time progressing normal for gear that’s the same or worse than that doing insomnia inducing quests?

“Hey guys, let’s do this new raid. We will wipe some and learn and have fun. Then at the end we shard the gear because it’s the same or worse as quest gear.”


I honestly can’t imagine any guilds or pug groups that are casual (enough to be stuck on Normal long enough for world content gearing to affect them) would be upset about having other sources of upgrades.

Later in the patch, you may want to do Normal on an alt, but again with alts you would typically want to gear them up as quickly as you can with whatever content awards gear.

The guilds that progress on Normal should do it because they enjoy it, not because the game gave them no other way to gear up. And they can move on up to Heroic if they so choose, where every single loot drop would be an upgrade over world content.

When you say that a Normal item level weapon (locked behind a grind) is a handout just because it didn’t come from a raid boss, you are supporting the elitist design philosophy that has made Shadowlands out of the question for busy, casual, solo, or altoholic players.

You got chances at weapons from queing into warfronts.

They get chances at loot from boss and great vault… You don’t really get anything for playing solo in great vault.