Blizzard Raising Open World Ilvl from 246 to 252 - Casuals Rejoice

Yes, but options would be good within WoW as well, or the population will continue to shrink.

I am not playing it at this point. I still have some sub time left, but will only resub if Zereth Mortis gearing for alts looks like it will be worth my time. I don’t have enough interest in zone buffs and mounts to play just for that.

The entire industry knows that SL has been a huge loss in subs for WoW, although we don’t have exact figures.

More important than the numbers, you can see WoW devs scrambling like never before to get the raiders back into the game in 9.2. Torghast will no longer be required for legendaries. Conduit grinding and significant gear rewards will be removed from world content. Reputation will not require as much daily rare and quest grinding. No new Renown levels have been added.

It’s almost like the raid is the only new content in 9.2, and everything else is just optional fluff for the raiders.

Furthermore, cross-faction premade groups are coming in 9.2.5, and devs never would have done that if the premade raiding population was large and healthy.

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Yeah they can have that mess. Folks act like there’s no choice but to accept Blizzard dumping on casuals that can’t always do higher end group content. Peace out time because the systems in shadowlands are not reasonable. PFFT

People tend to not read between the lines here.

I stand corrected. You’ve truly made it in life.

Double leggo, set bonuses, new affix, Mythic taxaveesh, new pet and mount collections…

There’s plenty other than just a new raid. 9.2 looks pretty good for everyone, although I don’t know if it covers enough ground to undo the damage of 9.1.

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Oh my, no, nothing can. At least we will still have fun with all that gameplay though.

You keep saying things like “the entire industry knows” which is basically the same as using the phrase that “everyone knows” to win a debate (hint: that doesn’t prove anything, you have to back up statements with hard data). Interestingly enough you follow that up with “we don’t have exact figures”. Well obviously.

Sorry, but that boils down to nothing more than your gut feeling based on your own personal observations and proves nothing. I’m not saying that sub numbers aren’t down, I’m simply pointing out that these things happen over the cycle of the game. They go down, they come back up. Especially when we’re at the extreme end of a very long content drought.

If you don’t have access to the actual numbers, then you have nothing to offer but your own best guess. Just like everyone else, including myself.

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If this is the solution, it is abysmal game design.

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So based on Wowhead’s guide on ZM, it looks like a few of the rares will potentially drop 242 ilvl weapons, although they all appear to be melee weapons - I don’t see any ranged weapon drops listed.

Beyond those, it looks like LFR or unrated PVP are the only way to get weapon upgrades for solo players based on what I’m reading. For me, it’s looking like grinding Conquest in unrated PvP gives me the biggest upgrade to a 249 ilvl.

This is pants on head. Why arbitrarily deny one specific gear slot?

Oh, I know: Because it’s the best one.

Remember in the last expansion, when you could get normal raid level weapons from emissaries, heroic weapons from warfronts, and almost-mythic weapons from Visions?

Remember how people back then still did raids and M+ and the game didn’t implode?

I do.


It’s called a penalty for doing only solo content.

You got raid level gear for doing trivial content. There has to be a trade off.

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Okay, but there wasn’t in 9.1, or 9.0, or 8.3. So why now?

I think Blizz played people. 252 was always the intended ZM ilvl. Korthia was 233, CN mythic was 233. SoD mythic is 252. 246 was just slightly lower than intended so they could buff it last second and get people to talk about it.


194 Anima gear was only for your main 8 slots. You also got a 187 weapon but that’s about it. If you wanted a weapon that was 194 ilvl you had to farm LFR Sire.

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pretty sure there were no weapon and trinket the same ilvl gear as what you wont get if you’re only solo content as well. And the highest gear you can get doing only solo is doing the 5 mask visions. (yea the same 1 that everyone complaint that it was only catered for high end players)


8.3 gave 445 (normal raid ilvl) weapons and trinkets from emissary caches, which would be equivalent to a 252 weapon in Zereth Mortis.

Or get your renown and ilvl high enough that the WQ and mission table weapons scaled to 194 (I actually think they scaled up to 197 in 9.0). That’s where my 9.0 weapon came from.

That’s quite the memory considering Visions didn’t drop weapons. Only armor, so no rings or trinkets either.

If you don’t believe me here is the loot table link:

CN mythic was 226. End bosses 233.

SoD mythic is 252, end bosses 259

The thing that doesn’t make sense to me is why melee weapons would drop from rares but not ranged weapons. I wonder if that will get tweaked come patch launch or the guide needs to be updated.

I personally don’t mind grinding conquest for my ultimate weapon upgrade, as it will keep 9.2 fresh, but it does feel just a little strange the way they are handling weapons this patch compared to the prior ones [shrug].

Fair enough. My overall point that solo players had access to Normal and above levels of gear in all slots in 8.3 still stands.