Blizzard Raising Open World Ilvl from 246 to 252 - Casuals Rejoice

I love the cherry picking here.

I said in an earlier post, that I quit raiding after BFA (and even posted ss’s of my parses).

Can I get a coherent english translation?

Amazing attempt at putting words in my mouth. lmao
Post on your main coward.

Yet you do something that’s even worse content, I’m aware. :3

Sure, it’s right in your quote.

Like you tried to do for me, curious isn’t it?

I said in an earlier post, and I even linked my mains logs. :3

Are you another ‘rules for thee but not for me’ type? It really seems so.

Hidden Profile.
Not interacting with idiots who can’t even post on their mains (and have to hide their idiotic post history).

You’re the one that tried to come at me, so again - you failed. You even tried to call me out, without realizing I’ve already stated why I can’t post on NA forums on my main. Even my alts parses are better than your ‘main’ you’re posting on, and further… It’s HILARIOUS to me PvP is your ‘main content’ and you’ve been doing it since 2009, yet even to 2022 can’t hit 2.2. Oofers.

Y’know, with how often you say this in regards to the rest of your statements, yet how often those “solo” and “casual” players bring up how it should have been/was going to be makes me wonder how much of this was actually “us” and not “you guys” at the M+/Raid side complaining it away because it would have taken away from your special gold star system.

The only people arguing against having these systems are “you guys”, and the only time where we were about to get this ended up being the point in the games life that focuses almost entirely on “you guys”.

Thankfully Blizzard just hired a new Business Performance Lead to actually gauge out why Blizzard has been a failure in retaining players throughout their games the past 5 or so years. Changes are coming, so y’all better brace yourselves.


Feel free to check my post history if you have doubts.

I was a big proponent of Mage Tower, and before that when this character was a Night Elf I said I liked the more challenging iterations of Torghast. I’ve got nothing against hard solo content and I’ve got nothing against hard solo content being rewarding. In fact I’ve said that deeper layers of Torghast should be able to award gear on some kind of lockout.

I’m all for challenging solo/small-party content. It’s literally just more challenging content and that’s the type of content I love to consume. And with greater challenge comes greater reward. Heck, you can see me getting in arguments with that Panda Shaman who has called me an “solo pleb” in the past because I was down for solo content.

But it’s a whole different ballgame when you’re talking about brainless trivial grinding rewarding raid-quality gear. I’ve never been for that.

First off, WoW content goes stale just as fast. We can discuss which game handles content delivery better, or how one of these games has more frequent content patches, or how group content isn’t the only content that matters in that game, but that’s not the point here. The point is that game handles rewards better.


I’ll address all of this. I think if it exists it should have a reasonable value associated with it. I think if it requires time and effort, regardless of your personal feeling of challenge, that it should have a payoff that feels good. Why should it be world content vs queueable content? All of it should feel rewarding and it’s their job to find a way to make it feel that way without being at the expense of another system.

Easiest way to handle this would be a universal currency for gear. Much like how FFXIV handles it, which are a better version of the systems we had in Wrath. I’d like to see something like that in this game. Something like the way Korthia handled its itemization, but universally throughout content.

Or they can spend some more resources on art. Quality art is a good reward. But when ilvl is their biggest reward for playing, they need to make it feel good to obtain from everything. They are not doing that.


Why can’t we let FF be FF and WoW be WoW and not try to make them copies of each other?

Different games for different people or different moods and flavors.

WoW got to where it is by looking at the then-king of MMOS, i.e. Everquest, and thinking “how can we do this better to be more appealing”. They’ve since stagnated and what we have is basically the same expansion (i.e. Legion) for the third time in a row, with gameplay that’s designed to be lazy and easy to churn out.

They need to re-evaluate what made the game king of the hill for over a decade, and it wasn’t what they’re doing now.


And changing it a lot tends to ostracize those that play it for what is is.

There are posts on the FF forum right now asking for a feature similar to mythic+ to help make running non-savage raids not an insomnia cure, but of course going that route would massively change what FF is.

Square enix listens to its fans and does its own thing for fun. Like there fortnite version of ff looks decent.

Can you believe final fantasy was just meant to be one story. But players loved it and asked for another. So they made final fantasy 2. And then made more and more and more games. FF14 is just another version of them reacting to what there players love.


All of it is rewarding in its own way. LFR will be your source of weapons, trinkets, and set bonuses. ZM will be your source of higher ilvl equipment. I can’t really see how you can say both should be rewarding and not acknowledge that a solo player will be doing both. But if you say LFR is worthless because ZM has higher ilvl primary pieces… well, then you’re gone ahead and created a paradox because if you think ilvl is the only thing that matters, one will always be above the other in that way.

have you seen what “casuals” do? they go around soloing world bosses, annihilating players in world pvp and sometimes pug content higher than your hard core players.

they are only causal because they play one day a week.

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If you want a robot buddy, sacrifices must be made.

Where do these so-called open world 246s drop? I haven’t seen anything even close to that in shadowlands open world.

PTR currently. Won’t start dropping in retail until Tuesday

the 252 but they are sort of timegated by the cypher system and currency to farm. It will take a few weeks/months probably per character.

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I just checked out one of Kelani’s videos where he mentioned that 9.2 solo player gear will be upgradeable to ilevel 252 which is apparently Normal raid level gear in 9.2. And that the path to doing that and getting gear to that level is a lot less tedious than what happened in Korthia.

If you, like me, do a lot of solo content, you might want to check it out. Im planning to bookmark it and check back this week to sort out the best way for me to work on my characters.


Well, funny enough, they are releasing something called “Criterion Dungeons” in an upcoming patch, which while I doubt will be similar to Mythic+, it looks like it’s actually their version of the old WoW Challenge Mode dungeons. It’s supposed to be a 1-4 person challenge mode dungeon, they just haven’t given exact details out yet.

No, LOL, I don’t struggle at all in Torghast when I’m on a toon with a high iLvl. I got Flawless Master the first week it was available.

Of course there’s no “need” for the Torghast legendary, it’s just more fun to have so much extra Phantasma to spend if you are going into Torghast anyway.

And that is more than I can say about the Shadow Priest specific legendaries, which do help DPS of course but don’t feel nearly as impactful as the Legion legendaries.

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