Blizzard Raising Open World Ilvl from 246 to 252 - Casuals Rejoice

I guess the fact that I’m in full duelist gear, which means I mostly pvp, goes right over your head…
I quit raiding after BFA, but thanks for trying.

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So you’re entering a thread that concerns you none because you’re triggered about some lowly casuals asking for better gear, then?



Just b/c I didnt raid this xpac, doesn’t mean I can’t have opinions on the state of the game.

If we all went by your logic, judging by your gear, you dont even play the game, and don’t get an opinion at all!

I don’t play the game because the game clearly isn’t designed for me, which is why I’m here.

I know, critical thinking is difficult.


Titan Forging was the best! Bring it and while we are at it, “Have Group, Will Travel” Guild Perk.

Yeah, I guess I can’t have opinions on pve.

once again…

Just stop lmao.


Blizzard does not hate Casuals. It depends on how you define Casuals.

Casuals of limited playtime can access high level gear like M+15s and Heroic Raids. 4x M+15 runs and/or 6x Heroic RaidBoss kills requires not much time to accomplish on per week basis.

Casual noobs, sorry for the term if I am too blunt, on the other hand has no access to high level loots. If serving them means to make the content easier or a joke, that would be a bad idea.

We will see. Hope Blizz do the right thing.


Nah, but thanks for the suggestion anyways.

Stay triggered.

Why heroic and not normal raid gear?

And Wrath, the golden age, is what cemented multiple difficulties and the large gap.

ICC 5 mans giving 232 gear to casuals while the top end was 45 item levels higher at 277 with Arthas loot at 284.


This is what’s wrong with society today.

Ignore evidence, and just say dumb things like “Stay triggered”, while crying about not being served everything for free.

The entitlement is gross.
Continue to mald over being bad


Can’t be bad if I don’t play the game ¯_(ツ)_/¯

So mad.

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I love waking up in the morning to a handful of tryhards having their brains melt over the audacity of casual players wanting better gear. A perfect complement to my cup of coffee.


I mean they aren’t casual though. Most of these people play more than people clearing Mythic lol.


And yet, here they are complaining that 233 ilvl loot, from dailies, isn’t good enough. Even tho (for the millionth time) its 7 ilvls better than normal raid, and 6 less than Heroic.


I saw that before the delete.
What’s the matter? Posted from your “main” instead of your classic alt?


People have been complaining about Korthia rep. All that will happen is people will complain to get it faster.


Pre-“esports” in WoW, gear progression was still very much locked behind raiding. But I have a much larger question that I’ve still never heard answered:

Why do more casual players need and want gear of a quality needed to do content they never touch?

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GD logic be like

Lmao. I love how ppl can twist logic in circles, trying to justify how dumb their argument is.


So you have nothing aside from your own observations. Which do not provide an adequate sample size to make any solid projections.

Data without context is flawed.

Oh, I admitted that WoW will end at some point. Everything does. I simply said that the person who I actually quoted had a reason that I personally doubted would be the reason. You know, because it’s “boomer”. I honestly can’t even say that with a straight face.

That’s entirely subjective though. There are lots of games much less casual friendly than WoW. I’ve never played Dark Souls but I hear that’s a pretty hardcore game. Are you saying WoW is more hardcore than that? A game where you can just pet battle in the open world to level? You have so many options and choices on how you spend your time in WoW. You never have to step foot in a single instance if that is your choice. I wouldn’t call that hardcore, but again, that’s just my opinion.

You cannot cater a game to everyone. It’s simply not possible. People want too many different things. The best thing a game can do in my opinion is to focus on one or a few aspects and do those well. Diversifying too much is just going to make everyone unhappy.

And there is not only one way to do anything when it comes to games. Open up your mind a little.

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It will never happen but IMHO really the best way would be a universal currency that you get from various activities. There’s ONE set of gear for regular (i.e. not cutting edge) content which uses that currency, with a cap per week on how much you can get so you don’t run into the “I need to do 5 different activities to stay current” kind of nonsense. This gear would allow you to upgrade it (for more currency of course) but those upgrades wouldn’t be gigantic, just enough to make you feel like your gear is improving. And you would need some kind of trade currency for crafting mats/consumes/something else so there’s no case of “I don’t need this anymore”

Anyway, the idea is that ALL activities reward some amount of this currency. Raiding/high dungeons reward more than daily quests, but the idea is that no matter what activities you do, you’re earning something towards the gear. So even your most casual player will get that gear, it just may take them months while your high-end raider might get it in a couple of weeks tops; the reward for doing harder content isn’t better gear, it’s getting the gear much faster.

Of course, a system like this would require there to not be massive gear inflation across tiers, as then it would defeat the entire system if the gear is made obsolete 6 months later, and that gear is obsolete after that, etc.


Good thing I’m not a solo player for one, and I guess as a raider you’re arguing that raiders should have the same progression where even if they’ve done the content (I.E. Killed the boss) it should drop lower ilvl loot until you ‘progress’ through the box? Oh, what’s this? The box is just… clicking on it and waiting? Huh, what powerful progression! Raid-loggers will love this! :3

Or maybe you think that raids should drop ilvl equivalent to your parses, so if you get a grey parse you get the lowest ilvl, etc.

Perhaps even… Raiding gear shouldn’t matter, should all be templates?

Maybe… raid gear should have it’s ilvl reduced in non-raiding enviroments? :3

(Another note that is funny is you haven’t cleared heroic, and your parses are green.)