Blizzard Raising Open World Ilvl from 246 to 252 - Casuals Rejoice

Actually, I prefer to be overgeared when applying for a pug. And I would prefer for the game to be throwing good gear at players for doing all sorts of content so that we can all be overgeared if we so choose.

News flash: I have multiple legendaries crafted and swap them out based on the content I am doing!


Then go play those games?

And leave WoW for people that enjoy playing WoW.

There are hundreds of gaming options. Don’t try to make games like other games. Options are good.

Nope, I have no burden of anything. If you cant understand basic definitions then thats on you.


LOL at thinking my ego has anything to do with the wow forums.

I doubt that. If you were over geared you wouldnt be crying about gear gatekeeping which doesnt actually exist.

I would prefer people put some effort into their toons if they want good gear. Solo content doesnt require that.

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You sure like to speak for a lot of other players. What they like and don’t like. What they think of the game. You even call the game itself names. Where are you getting all your information from?

My point being that you have no idea what WoW’s “typical gamer” is. For that matter, neither do I. All you can do is make guesses based on your own experience and biases. And again, you CHOSE to hit the Install button.

Honest question: if you dislike this game so much, then why do you play it?

As for you saying the game is “fading out” what do you base that on? Because I’ve been continuously playing since Wrath and every expansion I hear that the game is dying. It’s fading. People are losing interest. X is a WoW killer. It hasn’t happened yet. Not that I’m saying it won’t, because all things end eventually. But I personally doubt it’s going to die because WoW is “boomer”.


If you compare it to BFA, the last expansion solo play had a huge nerf in most aspects of the game. The last patch of the expansion you could progress through a soloable content mode for like heroic raid gear and got a free legendary for doing it along side upgrades for like 18 gear slots.

In this expansion its like only up to normal gear, gotta pay for your legendary. The solo mode- torgast just gives you reagents, not very rewarding or replayable compared to visions. And the corruption gear was a bit fun and op. Compared to the boring korthia gear.

The covenant sets were nice but you couldn’t upgrade them to a decent ilvl. And the set bonus didn’t work in like solo dungeons/raids. I was doing mythic nighthold last patch, then in shadowlands that got nerfed and like you can do it now and antorus but on launch wasn’t really much solo progression, more like solo regression.

By last expansion’s standards you would be starting to run like normal/lfr of bfa raids and able to do like mythic mythic uldir. Solo progression got really tampered with all the ilvl and gear toning down of numbers.


Visions was by far the exception and not the rule.

That’s always the only thing that comes up, as if it’s been something throughout the other 16 years of the game being out.

And visions only gave gear for 8 slots of 16 slots (only armor, no jewelry, weapons, or trinkets). And corruption gear was blasted as stupid, awful borrowed power that many couldn’t believe even made it to live.

And solo players are getting legendaries like everyone else in SL. Farm the mats yourself and you only pay a tip even.

Blizzard hosing the level squish has nothing to do with gear rewards. They butchered that all on their own.

How was the covenant set, at 3 item levels below normal raid, not a “decent” item level?

Is normal raid item level too low then for people that do it? If it’s virtually the same as solo content (actually worse in 9.1 and the same in 9.2) from your description maybe it’s too low and needs increased to reflect the effort?

Visions were good. I’m in the camp where I’m not against the idea of a gear path for solo players to get better gear, but there does not currently exist any solo content in the game that is difficult enough to warrant giving good gear.


I just find the concept of someone feeling the need to make the torghast legendary at all, let alone paying for it at 262 to be hilarious. Do you really struggle that hard in torghast?

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Torgast easy does. I would argue is comparable. For like solo gear sets and sets that give increased item level for solo instances and torgast/the maw.

It doesn’t have to be useful for raiding, but solo gear useful for soloing is something I would be interested in. Stuff like regular stats, raw stats, leech, increased effectiveness of damage mitigation abilities, maybe like giving an item a lust for solo content so you don’t have to buy drums. Maybe more self healing in certain spells or some spells returning health. Bunch of ways they can make solo gearing bis for soloing.

The reason why torghast doesn’t work great for this is how much of an RNG fest it is. Not all specs and classes are tuned to the same level, plus you could get the good powers or the not good powers and that would give you 2 very different runs. The design intent behind torghast originally was to tie it only to legendary crafting, not regular gearing. So it did give gear, but only legendaries.

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The solo gear would help improve that. Imo. Some torgast gear could have given like more anima powers at start and stuff. For example guareteed defensive anima powers. And stuff.

I have done torgast on all the classes haven’t had much issues.

Honestly i think its better to do +2 thru +7 keys for gear then it is to get gear as a solo casual player.


Yea that gear is easier to obtain. Solo gear is much more tedious.

This little line at the end was a bit sloppy. But hey, 700+ replies so I can’t bring myself to give you anything less than a 9/10. Solid bait dude.

I mean that was also the case back for horrific visions - so this has always been a thing.

This is just an indictment of the system as a whole regardless of any rewards associated to it.

Considering this sentence has been quoted something like two dozen times in this thread, if it was bait, it would be that little drop of blood to whip the fish into a feeding frenzy 
 I wouldn’t say that’s sloppy. If it was bait.

Well, they’re succeeding in turning people away from LFR. Now I don’t do anything with a group in this game because of how there’s little-to-nothing to get for my time unless I find a way to schedule large static play sessions.

But queueable group content in FFXIV is always booming. If WoW’s goal is to be the least interesting casual MMO content on the market they are doing a great job so far. But the combat is fun.


To make LFR worthwhile for most solo/casual players, it would need to drop better gear than they are getting in the world doing quests.

LFR will drop 239 in 9.2, so world content gear would need nerfed to 226 or 233 to make 239 attractive.

And judging by how we
Have some threads that feel world content gear capping at 252 is still too low
I’m not sure how that would be received.

Speaking of time, I normally find getting a mythic+ key together faster than waiting in a dungeon queue, or a normal pug faster than an LFR queue.


It’s the paradox of the bad, as I mentioned a few days ago -

If you don’t know how to actually have fun in the game and you only play to compulsively raise your ilvl in solo content, and two pieces of content exist, and they don’t reward exactly the same ilvl at the exact same rate, one of them will be “better” than the other and you will run to the forum and cry about it.

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