Blizzard Raising Open World Ilvl from 246 to 252 - Casuals Rejoice

More like “those not having fun chose to not have fun by limiting themselves”

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I think Blizzard does a fine enough job of that themselves.

They hate flying. They’d take it out of the game if they could.

Korthia isn’t what “trucked” LFR.

Blizzard trucked LFR by designing an incompetent expansion pack entirely based around getting 1 piece of randomly generated, generic loot you probably don’t want or need based on your spec, from an extremely small loot table of less than 10 items per item slot, per week from the great vault, instead of any actual loot dropping in dungeons or raids.

I literally raided every week for 9 months before I finally got any gear from SoD that wasn’t useless. The number of times I’ve gotten nothing from raid bosses and mythic chests is starting to rival my hours /played and I’ve been here since 2004.

Casuals or not they wouldn’t need a backup if they would stop intentionally designing content to waste everyone’s time who isn’t either sitting at home on disability or a child.


Lmao what an absolutely moronic response from the resident bootlicker.

You literally don’t even know what I was referring to and now you’re going to try to start an argument with yet another person who will destroy you.


Yet it’s 100% true.

Someone’s mad though :joy:

Lol @ thinking you would destroy me.

When you can make an argument without resorting to insults you could have a chance.

LFR is obsolete by design. Even Blizzard doesn’t want you playing LFR. LFR only exists because some people will throw their tendies on the floor if it isn’t there. Thankfully it is pretty low ilvl and heavily time-gated so even though it appeases those who want it to exist, it doesn’t have an influence on the trajectory of playing the game, which is a good thing. Nobody should want to do LFR.

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Spoken like someone who has no argument to give.

Stay mad.


I don’t give arguments to people who can’t comprehend them.

I don’t get mad over the forums. That’s funny you think I do.

According to you, 90% of the people here can’t comprehend them. That hasn’t stopped you from trying to explain yourself before.

Throwing in the towel despite your stubborn personality in assuming you’re always right?

I don’t know. Seems like you’re pretty mad.


False actually, there are plenty of people that understand them even if they dont agree with them. You just arent one of them.

Its not an assumption because I am always right.

[quote=“Feltomydeath-herod, post:744, topic:1185547”]
I don’t know. [/quote]
You are correct that you dont know.

I havent shown any signs of being mad. In fact I am giving you short answers just to get you to continue to respond. If anyone is mad its clearly you.

So mad. Keep seething.


Not mad at all, have a nice night working on a come back

Working on a comeback? Honey, I’m still waiting on you to give me a valid argument with evidence to support your claims from 12 hours ago.


Bless your heart, I already gave you a valid argument and even simplified it for you too.

Point it out to me, then.


Scroll up and find it,

Guess I’ll be scrolling all the way back to the OP, then, since it doesn’t actually exist.


If the typical gamer loved Shadowlands’ three pillars (required grouping, add-ons, and voice coms just to have any semblance of gear progression), then this expansion would be busting at the seams, rather than fading out.

Typical games do not have anything like WoW’s gear progression system because typical gamers would simply refuse to play. WoW is hardcore, elitist, and “boomer”, which a lot of WoW players do not realize because they have been stuck in the same bubble for over a decade.


It does. Maybe you will slowly read it and realize it.

Nah, again the burden of proof is on you.

Does it have links that back up your claims? Is it an actual explanation instead of “lol you’re wrong” and “reading comprehension must be hard for you”?

If not, then your explanation doesn’t actually exist. Have fun tending to your fragile ego!