Blizzard Raising Open World Ilvl from 246 to 252 - Casuals Rejoice

Lol o lord. People actually make that?

Pot meet kettle.

The thing is though, even with your refutation it still shows how abysmal raid participation is. The argument was that it’s niche and you yourself linked information to refute my numbers which still attests to the fact that it’s niche. Yeah, 20 something more guilds have cleared it
50 something guilds out of millions of players and thousands of existing guilds is again niche.

You invalidated yourself in your attempt at proving me wrong because you literally showed that raiding is a niche activity while trying to argue that it wasn’t.

You’re right, the warning was already WAY too late because you shattered your own argument about it not being a niche activity.

That’s one page my guy. I stopped clicking next at 300.

You’re 100% wrong again.

You’re not even half as smart as you think you are. Feel free to continue looking really dumb.

:rofl: :smirk:


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Not sorry that facts prove you wrong again👍

One day hopefully you’ll find a clue.

Didn’t realize just saying “your wrong” were considered facts now. It’s extra hilarious cause you get invalidated in every thread you post in like this one:

You just can’t help yourself though, I know. You get so caught up on winning arguments, you lose sight on proving points. You hone in on tiny things trying to prove people wrong that you ALWAYS negate your own arguments. We don’t need to beat you at this, you’re your own worst enemy.


You keep talking about exclusion and how players are being excluded from content. Honest question here: do you really know what that even means? No one is being explicitly excluded from content by the developers. People are making the conscious choice to exclude themselves. There’s a difference and you seem to be confusing the two - whether or not to purposefully support your narrative or because you honestly don’t understand.

As for the three content pillars of Shadowlands, as you call it. Well those three activities have always been the endgame focus of World of Warcraft. This isn’t a single player MMO like Skyrim, although it can be played that way if people choose. If you didn’t know what kind of game this was when you hit the Install button, then you really should know by now.

And for the record, you don’t know what the typical gamer is in this game any more that I do. You’re certainly free to guess, but that’s all it is. A guess. You cannot say what a typical gamer is “absolutely” going to do or not do. Well, you can, because you did. But it’s just your own person conjecture and proves nothing.

Try over 1700 guilds have cleared Mythic Sylvanas. over 11000 for heroic.

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Actually think link I provided was plenty of proof. If you actually looked at it you would see that.

Also you just saying I’m being invalidated doesn’t actually make it true.

I see you keep moving goalposts because you lack an argument.

The problem with that thought process is that you would actually have to prove me wrong.

It’s okay. I’m still waiting on him to give me facts in another thread that he’s unable to provide. Typical Snozh fashion is to state his opinions as fact and then not provide anything that backs up his opinion.


Keep waiting. Already told you I’m not wasting time to explain the difference between a casual player and playing solo casually.

PS I already linked proof proving this guy wrong so try to keep up.

And I’ve already told you that you’ve wasted plenty of time antagonizing a plethora of people on multiple threads, but the moment I ask you to provide concrete evidence/explain yourself, you suddenly back out.

It’s almost like you don’t have an explanation to give and are blowing smoke.


What a curious and demonstrably false “observation”. Why did you even start this silly thread? To try to fool casuals into thinking there’s a gigantic celebration going on? Or to try to tell them what to think, because you think you know how those people think, but you don’t.

I see all the time elitist jerks saying that if casuals or solo players were to get usable gear, everything they have ever done in the game would be invalidated.

Let’s see what other lies you can make up, eh? Are you and snozman alts? Are you both alts of Yesuna?


I don’t mind wasting time discussing things with people.

However there’s nothing to discuss with you because you refuse to accept that you’re wrong so I’m not going to waste my time anymore.

When you learn the difference between an action and a description let me know.

I refuse to accept I’m wrong because you’re not providing me anything other than your prerogative. You said X thing is X and didn’t provide evidence, nor did you explain why X thing is different than X thing. I said X thing is X and did. The burden of proof is on you to tell me why I’m wrong other than “You’re wrong”. That is how general discourse works, in case you didn’t know.

You’ve wasted countless hours on these forums telling other people that they’re wrong and they’re equally as stubborn as I am, and yet the ball stops with me?

When you learn how to formulate a proper argument, let me know.


Yes. There’s a point when someone’s ignorance is so bad it’s not entertaining anymore.

You not being able to differentiate between an action and a description is that line. Now it’s just pure pity for you.

What a convenient excuse for you to not argue anymore.

That’s okay. I’ll just assume I’m right, much like how you assume you’re right whenever someone removes themselves from a discourse with you because that’s the typical Snozh way.

Must really suck to be as stupid as the ones whose intelligence you berate all day.


You can assume anything you want too. If it makes you feel better then go for it.

It won’t be true but as long as your feelings are intact is what matters!

Kek these replies.

“As long as only specific people can have fun, then it’s ok.”