Blizzard Quality is unacceptable right now

because using your guy’s argument if i point out bugs that are annoying it must mean i can only do this with validity if I ubsub or it doesnt matter.

since you dont care i guess its a loophole? where you dont have to be a thinking consumer and have any hyprocrisies if you just dont care about anything? lol

it makes me feel vindicated and i was right. I said early in my original reply 90% of players are conditioned to just accept all the bugs and you proved me right. so thank you

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That’s nice.

What can ya do? They don’t have any QA departments since they regularly decimate them.

Not the first time there’s been bugs, won’t be the last. I’m just vibin.

No ya doof, what I’m saying is if complaining about bugs week after week doesn’t change the way they do things, then screaming into the void week after week isn’t going to change anything. Saying it’s “unacceptable” but continuing to accept it and paying them just tells Blizzard they can keep pushing you and pushing you with worse and worse products.

There’s no point in continuing this “conversation.”


In modern day, people so worship capitalism, and have superimposed their ape brains into it, that they classify money as social dominance and think you should be grateful they let you in the restaurant at all, because they’re better than you, otherwise you’d be the one who owned the restaurant.


So you realize you agree with me than and my original post is right? 90% of players LIKE YOU are so conditioned to accept the bugs you just dont care and see anybody who is critiquing them as wrong.

Yea… that’s pretty much where ended up

Nah we just saying stop going to the restaurant if you hate the food bro lol smh

Just dont ask EA, Bethesda, From Software, cd projekt red, etc, etc. Really dont ask any of the high level developers.

Fair, SE is indeed one studio for which presentation and polish still seem to matter.

It does really kind of take the wind out of new content being released if everything is broken until a couple of weeks in, and that’s been the case for pretty much all the new content for a while now.

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And the waiter is the one who overcooked your steak right?

Now i dont expect people to all have the same life experiences, but asking to at least have some experience with the real world, is that too much to ask for?

Can we unpatch and go back as this is ridiculous i can’t even find groups in the group finder cause it errors even when all addons are disabled…

Players have spoken though. They’d rather have content faster and buggier than slower and done properly

I mean, I didn’t vote for breakneck broken content, I’ve in fact made loud noises of dissatisfaction about content being rushed and in a state of total disrepair.

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Being realistic the game has 20 years of code. It’s not surprising that changing things sometimes has adverse effects. As long as they patch issues reasonably quickly, I personally don’t care.

The devs are quite literally the chefs of the game??

I’m confused. The devs are the ones that fix things and make things?? QA reports what to fix? It doesn’t matter if QA is reporting bugs to the dev team if the dev team doesn’t fix it.

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Don’t think it’s worth panicking over.

I’ve had no issues so far other than LFG which has a fix already.

Got 4x m+ done and raid for 3 bullions.
Did weekly and got my spark for 2nd crafted.
Got 3rd normal cleared for awakened mount

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I would get in on the class action lawsuit.

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