Blizzard PLEASE BUFF saber slash

Mutilate is SO OP you have to run it… here is some ideas. have Saber hit with both hands. or make it create 2 combo points. increase the stack to 5 then increase the rune that makes bleeds do more dmg increase it from 20% to 40%. I want Mace rogue to be a thing and would love to run 2 mace tank build but mutilate makes daggers the only choice cause combo points to keep Slice and blade dance up are much needed.

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As a tank rogue enjoyer I would like tank rogue to use swords. Dps rogues can stick with daggers but tank rogue should use swords. Feels bad that riposte and unfair advantage are nerfed because mutilate is so strong you have to use a dagger as tank.

Please let me use the raid claws :pray:

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I dont think carnage needs to be buffed (its a flat damage increase not a bleed damage increase) but Sabre Slash deff does. you could leave SS as is and cive it a cleave and it would be perfect. cleave to 2-3 extras targets within range or even just spreads the bleed for half damage on cleaved targets. have the bleed scale with 50% of you AP. the bleed by itself already does more damage than a 5 CP Rupture so no reason to increase the stacks.

people are asking for way too much with this buff to SS. Rogues in a good place right now with muti and they are looking at buffing another one of our generators and asking for it to do double damage along with a bleed is unreasonable. buff SS to 150-200% wep damage, and a small cleave to spread the bleed. have the bleed scale from AP and call it good. that alone would give rogues a decent passive AoE that wouldnt effect single target boss fights.

Oh giving SS cleave AND 150-200% dmg would be good. youre give bleed a portion of AP would be good. idk i want to use raid fists or raid ANYTHING other than daggers …

Based on Aggrend’s latest tweet, sword rogues may be getting some love in the next couple weeks. Aggrend blatantly admitted sword rogues are in a rough spot because Mutilate is too strong.

So here’s to hoping they actually buff swords. Also really hope they buff Main Gauche. Main Gauche is supposed to be the tanking rune. Feels like a bummer to be forced into Mutilate. I’d love to weave Main Gauche and Ghostly Strike for crazy mitigation.

I think a double Combo point is needed. so that way tanking can do more points for evis to refresh S&D and Blade dance… dps rogues dont need as much dmg since they are only doing S&D and Enven. i constantly need 2 up

Grats saber slash was buffed

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There it is. 75% harder hitting Saber Slash in PvE.

this might be the fastest turnaround time for a spec complaint → buff i’ve seen so far

(i know they definitely had this planned already, but still funny)

Rogue tank here. Long time wisher of sword spec to be viable.
My paper math (I am no genius) says Mutilate is still better, even after this buff. Saber Slash will now take 5 GCD’s to fully build where Mutilate only takes one or two GCD’s to proc a poison to activate the 20% damage buff. Even after both abilities are at their highest damage potential, Mutilate’s numbers are still higher. And that’s not to mention Mutilate rewarding two combo points.
As a tank, our AOE threat sucks but the insane threat Mutilate causes helps mitigate that issue. Saber Slash feels like it does diddly squat threat in comparison.
IMO, change the “Bleed” to a personal expose armor or flat white damage increase. Considering swordplay has always been about your white damage, anyways. Or even OP’s idea for Saber Slash to strike additional targets. Also let Unfair Advantage proc Sword Spec / WF and all will be good. thnx o7

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