Blizzard NEEDS to incorporate LGBT characters into the lore

I did not say you said they were dead. I said:

They are ghosts and hence have died.

Hermaphrodites and transgender are not the same thing.


yes you did

king mcgrglrgl doesnt state they are hermaphrodites the actual text is “Its fascinating they will develop to choose there own gender and move on in life and are accepted by the choice they made”

If that is the case I’ll admit my mistake. And while that is a nice bit of lore I would actually like to see an actual murloc NPC that actually has that applied to it.

They are ghosts, it is implied they have died at one point or another.


When is this? I can’t find the text.

The OP, and others, can chime in and correct me if I’m mistaken, but I believe what many of them are wanting is some form of major character who isn’t heteronormative. The couple you mention, for example, are found during a profession quest. If you didn’t level an Enchanter during Legion, you never came across them.

My personal two coppers is to comment on how what representation we do have is heavily skewed to female×female pairings. Off the top of my head, the only male×male couple I can think of is one of the Steamy Romance Novels.

insert cheesey quip about machines and binary

It’s likely a nod to actual fish biology. A few species of marine fish are born all female, and a select few will become males upon reaching a certain age or size.


im not saying they havent but you claim I stated them as being dead and that was simply not true. Im not opposed to you having more representation in game my issue come from claiming none exists when it does and if it was such a thing to be so important to have then why is that when it does exist nobody or very few seem to know about it? cant be that important then can it?

Oh, no wonder.
I’m not an enchanter.

Trilliax never said or is indicated to have any identification when it comes to gender. If anything it seems jab at split personality, and maybe if you wanna stretch it gender-fluidity.

Neptulon is very solidly identifying as male, I’m pretty sure.


you can talk to mrglrlrgl in the cata quest line he tells you this and its also stated in a few of the fishing books. As for neptulon we have encountered him as male yet the texts about the char depict him as a female and when you talk to the stone elemental queen in cata she states neptulon chooses the form most desirable at the time meaning no true gender but chooses a form for representation at the time

The way I said it was quite implicit in meaning. It was borderline(key word here) bury your gay because again these are ghosts and are very much dead. Yes they got a happy ending and the quest didnt actual end with them being “destroyed”, but they are not exactly alive either.

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I’m going to need to look up sources for this when I go on lunch. But, if true, it does give me a new theory on the true identity of the Tidemother.

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and again my point of the arguement is that representation does exist to claim like op that none does is just false, I have 0 issue for more being implemented but it does already exist. the issue I have is claiming 0 does and its so important, if it was so important how do you not know it already exists?

huh you know I never put those two things together that could turn out pretty cool theory with the tidemother

I guess the point is that these things aren’t very well known or are somewhat obscured by various things. Like Murlocs being based on Frogs and Fish that actually change their biological sex for various reasons and purposes. The Neptulon example is also pretty ambiguous because he’s pretty much presented as an elemental choosing to represent himself as a male with nothing indicating he did anything otherwise in the past.


I very much knew about the night elf ghost thing, thank you very much. As for the other things you mentioned, the fact is most of what your mention are very esoteric information that very people would actually know about it and if anything is something very few people would ever get to experience.

As for the OP post, I honestly think it would be better if he said better represention. But calling LGBT+ representation “lacking”(as in not very important/so few) is still accurate.

Also, the Neptulon thing could mean he chooses the size/physical appearance as oppose to actually choosing his gender.


Which quest? The only one I see for him in Cataclysm is a possible ally in The Protector’s of Hyjal daily where you get one of almost thirty random allies to come with you.

What are the names of these books?

Because hyperbole is acceptable in an instance where it is so negligible. It’d be like saying the author mentioning off-handedly one random Orc is gay in a novel should be relevant. And that’s why these aren’t well known.

I can’t even find this supposed Murloc you are purporting with intentional effort towards it. Even after looking through WoWpedia, WoWhead, and Googling.


I’m aware. But the plot wouldn’t really be the same with a bisexual character would it? He’d just nail whoever he needed to do his duty and go back to his day.

I have been trying to find it as well, the closest I got was some offhanded general forums thread making some sort of joke about it.

its about as represented as straight romance in game though? its all threw quests, novels and interaction with npc’s or outside sources. What major lore char is in a straight romantic relationship depicted in game? the answer is none. you could argue the thalesera and lorthemar but again thats not in game and an outside source material while also building story to a future plot line (spoilers here so dont read if you dont wanna know but maldraxes has graves inscribed with those who fought and defended against the light the void and another that is etched out but implying a being of both light and void the relationship they have sets up a child of the sunwell and nightwell or light and dark)

he isnt a murloc thats why he is a blood elf dressed in a murloc costume who rules as a murloc king while studying them